Set Structure Display
You can specify the default structure viewer.
From the Preferences page, click Structure Display.
Select one of the following to specify the Default Editor:
- To open specification or requirement structure in the Structure Browser,
click Structure Browser.
- To open specification or requirement structure in the Structure Content
Editor, click Structure & Content Editor.
Select the Default Filters for objects and object displays:
- For Specifications list, select which specifications should be listed by default.
- For Requirements list, select which requirements should be listed by default.
- For Specifications, select how specifications should be shown by default.
- For Requirements, select how requirements should be shown by default.
Select the Default view for specifications and requirements:
- For the Specification view, select the default view.
- For the Requirement view, select the default view.
Click Done.
Choose Specification Structure
You can specify how sub and derived requirements are handled and displayed.
Click Specification Structure.
Click whether to include sub and derived requirements for:
- Structure Compare (show sub and derived requirements in a structure comparison)
- Requirement-Test Case Traceability (show sub and derived requirements in the Requirement-Test Case Traceability report)
- Requirement-Feature Traceability (show sub and derived requirements in the Requirement-Feature Traceability report)
- Delete Selected Object and Children (delete sub and derived requirements when deleting their selected parent requirements)
- Lock/Unlock (include sub and derived requirements when locking/unlocking their parent requirements)
- RFLP Traceability (include sub requirements for RFLP traceability. This option displays only when VPLM is installed.)
Click Done.
Make SCE Settings
The SCE (Structure Content Editor) settings control a variety of size, performance, display,
and export options. This includes options for adjusting the Rich-Text
Editor. These options also include some shortcuts that you can turn on (or off), as needed.
On the Windows platform, the Structure Content Editor only works with MS Internet Explorer. If using Internet Explorer version 8, the Enovia server must run in the "Local
intranet" or "Trusted sites" zone.
Click SCE Settings.
Review and edit the settings, if needed.
The following shows the default settings.
General Settings
- Maximum data allowed per Rich-text field (in KB): [ 2000 ]
- [x] Maximize IE window upon loading
The IE window will be maximized only if the Structure Content Editor is
loaded as a form.
Performance Settings
- Rich-text field pool size: [ 15 ]. The pool size of rich-text control for a SCE page. A bigger pool means rich text content gets unloaded less often when scrolling up and down, at the cost of browser memory footprint. Recommended size is 15 - 100.
- Lag time to resize page (in millisecs): [ 700 ]. The delay in handling page resize events. A larger delay makes event handling lighter, with less continuous visual feedback.
- Lag time to scroll page (in millisecs): [ 200 ]. The delay in handling page scroll events. A larger delay makes event handling lighter, with less continuous visual feedback.
- [ x ] Cache Rich-text locally. Check this to cache the rich-text on local disk for viewing.
[Clear cache from local disk]
Display Settings
- Default view style: [ Tabular ]
- Default column width (for tabular view): [ 100 ]
- Default rich-text column width (for tabular view): [ 400 ]
- Rich-text column position (for tabular view): [ Page Default ]
- Rich-text field height (in pixels): [ 200 ]
- [ x ] Dynamic Rich-text field height based on content
- Maximum number of Rich-text fields to adjust (0 for unlimited): [
0 ]
- Navigation tooltip timeout (in millisecs): [ 5000 ]
- Navigation tooltip width (in pixels): [ 250 ]
- Navigation tooltip offset from right edge of window (in pixels):
[ 270 ]
Export Settings
- [ _ ] No screen update during export
Click Done.