Enter an expression to filter out the hierarchical references followed, when operating on a module recursively. Because hrefs link to submodules, you use -hreffilter to exclude particular submodules. Note that unlike the -filter option which lets you include and exclude items, the -hreffilter option only excludes hrefs and, thus, their corresponding submodules.Specify comma-separated object expressions, where an object expression takes the form: <href_expression> where the <href_expression> is a simple glob expression. The expressions are simple leaf names; it is not possible to specify an form of a "path" in order to filter out a specific href in a hierarchy. It is not possible to specify that a single instance of an href in a hierarchy be excluded, unless that href has a unique name. For example, if module Chip is being populated, and module Chip references CPU, which references ALU, which references STD_CELLS, then the href filter match is against STD_CELLS. And not, for example, against Chip/CPU/ALU/STD_CELLS. Note: This field is only available when operating on module data. |