Module Context option

This topic discusses the Module context option available for some of the DesignSync commands.

This field is only available when a module folder is being operated on, in which case a module context is required. Specifying a module context enables the operation to be run on a workspace folder that is below multiple modules or on a sub-folder of a module on a server.

The default module context value is an empty string. The field is a drop-down list that allows you to select the module context from a list of possible module contexts, listed alphabetically.

Note: When performing a populate operation, you may type the server URL of a module or select an existing client module to restrict the scope of the operation, in addition to selecting from the drop-down list. If more than one folder is being operated on, then you can only select from the available module instances; you cannot type in a value.

For dialog boxes in which a Browse... button appears next the Module context field, you can use the Browse... button to navigate to and select a module on a server.