Approve Assigned Tasks Page

The Approve Assigned Tasks page lets you approve multiple tasks at the same time. You can edit the rows individually, or you can edit multiple rows using the mass edit toolbar.

This page opens when you click Approve Assigned Tasks on the Tasks/Signatures tab of the Lifecycle/Review PowerView.

Related Topics
Approving Multiple Tasks
Approvals Tab on the Lifecycle PowerView

This table describes the columns:

Column Name Description
Task Status A green arrow means all route tasks are on time. A yellow diamond means at least one route task, not including the last task in the route, is late. A red square means the last task is late.
Name The Name assigned to the task or the signature required.
Title Title from the task or blank if a signature requirement.
Approver The person assigned as the approver for this task.
Due Date Shows the date the task/signature is due. For a Project Task, shows the estimated end date.
Approval Status Drop-down list used to set the status for the task:
Task Type Approval Status Options

Route with task action set to Approve

No Action




Route with task action set to Comment

No Action


Route with task assignee set to Role or Group

No Action


Project tasks

No Action


Workflow tasks

No Action



Object If opened from the My Tasks page, shows the object to be approved or rejected. Clicking the name opens the object's page:
  1. For a route task, opens the properties page for the routed object
  2. For a project task, opens the properties page for the project
  3. For a workflow task, opens the properties page of the workflow content object
Comments Text box where you explain your choice for approval status.