Background Jobs Page

Users can view all the jobs that they initiate, check the status of jobs, and take further action on jobs that are running or completed.

This page is accessed by choosing Utilities> Background Jobs from the global toolbar.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
About Background Jobs


Column Name Description
(Status) Indicates the current status of the job:
  • . Submitted
  • . Completed
  • . Running. If a red X is flashing, the user requested to abort this job.
  • . Failed or aborted
Name The name of the job. To view the information about the job, click the Name. See Background Job Properties Page.
Title A short name describing the action submitted for background processing. This will be auto-named based on the specific operation that the Job will perform.
Message Any error message generated by the job.
Start Date The date and time when the process started.
Progress Percent If the job is running the reported progress percentage is displayed.
Log Click the paper clip to view the log file for this job. See Viewing the Log File.
Action You can take further action on the job, depending on the job's status. The available actions depend on the ENOVIA product that initiated the job:
  • For a running job, click Monitor Progress to see detailed information about its progress. See Monitoring a Job's Progress.
  • For a successfully completed job, click the link, if available. The ENOVIA product that initiated the job may have defined a Next Step, such as running a report after importing data. If the job has completed, this field shows a link you can use to start the next step. Not all jobs have a Next Step action.
  • For failed or aborted jobs, no link exists.
Click to view the job's detail page. See Background Job Properties Page.


Filter Option Description
All All jobs that you submitted
Current Jobs running (jobs in the Created, Submitted, and Running states) or Completed but not archived or deleted
Archived Jobs that were explicitly archived
Completed Jobs that ran successfully and are in the Completed state
Failed Jobs that failed or were aborted

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

Actions Menu Item Description
Abort Cancels checked jobs. You can only abort jobs that are in the created, submitted, or running state. Jobs submitted from Designer Central cannot be cancelled.
Delete Deletes checked jobs.You can only delete jobs that have been completed or archived. If an archived job is related to an RFQ, you cannot delete it.

If you delete a job, all content and input files associated with that job will also be deleted.

Archive Archives checked jobs. You can only archive jobs that have completed.