Viewing Page History

You can use Page History to revisit a page, bookmark pages, or share links to pages.

Before you begin: You must have visited 1 or more pages. If you just logged in or your session times out, no pages are listed in the Page History.
Related Topics
About History
  1. Select > My Tools > Page History. The Page History page opens, listing up to the last 50 pages you visited since you logged in. The most recent pages are listed at the top.

    For each visited page, this page lists:

    Column Name Description
    Link Name For links from the or Actions menus, the Link Name is the same as the link name on the menu. For links within the Navigator pane, the Link Name is the name of the item whose information you are viewing, such as the part name. Click the link to go to the page.
    Suite/Category For links from the or Actions menus, this is the product the link is for, such as ENOVIA Sourcing Central or Engineering Central. For links from the Categories menu, it is the category name, such as Attachments. If the link is for the Properties page for the item, this column is empty. For links from the toolbar, "Toolbar" is displayed here.
    Address (URL) The URL for the page, which you can copy and paste into an email message to invite another ENOVIA product user to visit the page.

  2. To revisit a page, click the link for the page name under the Link Name column.

    Depending on where that type of page normally appears, the page either appears in the main application window or in a popup window. For example, search pages and create pages appear in popup windows. Pages that contain a table with rows of items of a particular type, such as a Parts page, and pages that show properties for an item display in the main application window.

    The popup window with Page History remains open but is in the background.

  3. To copy the address (or URL) for a page so you can invite another user to visit the page:

    1. Right-click in the Address (URL) column for the page and choose Select All from the shortcut menu. (Alternatively, use the browser's shortcut for selecting text in a field. For example, in Internet Explorer, triple-click with the left mouse button anywhere in the field.)
    2. Right-click again in the column and choose Copy from the shortcut menu (or press Ctrl+C).
    3. Go to the email message or document that you want to include the URL in.
    4. With the insert cursor positioned where you want to paste the URL, right-click and choose Paste from the shortcut menu (or press Ctrl+V).
    5. Send the email or document to the recipient as appropriate.

  4. To bookmark a page so you can return to it quickly using your browser's Favorites or Bookmarks list:

    1. Right-click on the link for the page name under the Link Name column.
    2. From the shortcut menu, choose the appropriate option for your browser:

      For Internet Explorer, choose Add to Favorites. Rename the page name as needed to ensure that you'll recognize it in the future and specify an appropriate folder.

      For Mozilla/Firefox, choose Add Bookmark. After creating the bookmark, you can edit its name and place it in a folder as needed.

  5. To update Page History with pages that you have visited since you opened Page History, move the window to the front and click Refresh from the page Actions menu.

  6. When you're finished using Page History, click Close.

    To access an ENOVIA product page that you previously added as a favorite or bookmark, choose the page name from the browser's list of favorites/bookmarks.

    If you receive an email message that contains a link to a ENOVIA product page, click the link. If the URL is not clickable, copy and paste it into your browser's address (URL) field.

    For both ways of accessing an application page, if you are already logged in and have the appropriate access to the page, the page opens. If you are not logged in, you have to do so before the page displays.

    Depending on where that type of page normally appears, the page either appears in the main application window or in a popup window. For example, pages that contain a table with rows of items of a particular type, such as a Parts page, and pages that show properties for an item display in the main application window. Search pages and create pages appear in a popup window. If you are just logging in and the link is for a page that displays in a popup window, the main application window appears in the background, open to your preferred Home page.