Copying the URL for the Page

You can quickly copy the URL (the web address) of any page that has the URL button on the toolbar. You can then send that URL in an email message to another user. If that other user does not have access to that page, their browser will not open it.

Before you begin: View the needed page.
Related Topics
Searching for an mxLink Value
  1. On the page toolbar, click .

    If the URL is long, you can scroll to view the entire value.

    After creating a custom table view, the URL button disappears because of how the code needs to update the page for the new view. You can re-view the page (such as selecting it from the menu) and the URL button becomes available.

  2. Press Ctrl-C on your keyboard to copy the URL to your computer's clipboard.

  3. Paste the URL wherever you need it (such as a text document or an email message).