From the global toolbar, click > Product > Products.
The Products page opens listing all the available product records. Note:
From the page toolbar, you can select Product Set or Product Pack
from the Policy drop-down list to list the available Set or Pack Products.
Click Test Request ID of a test record or click at the end of the row.
The test Properties page opens.
In the Properties page, the product test information is organized into
the following two sections:
Properties - Shows the properties of the product test record, including:
- Test Request ID - Indicates the ID of the test record.
- Test Type - Indicates whether the test is a development or production
- Status - Indicates the status of the product test, namely Preliminary,
Submitted to Agent, Submitted to Test Supplier, Completed, or Cancelled.
- Last Modified - Indicates the last time the product test record was
- Originator - Indicates the user who created the product test record.
- Owner - Indicates the user who manages the product test record.
- Overall Test Result - Indicates the test result of the whole product
test, namely Pass, Fail, or Waive.
- Season - Indicates the season of the product.
- Name - Indicates the name of the product for which the product test
is generated.
- Style # - Indicates the style number.
- Marketing Name - Indicates the marketing name of the product for
which the product test is generated.
- Testing Supplier - Indicates the supplier who provides the product
testing service.
- Test Supplier Address - Indicates the address of the test supplier.
- Test Supplier Contact - Indicates the contact person from the test
- Supplier - Indicates the supplier who offers the finished goods.
- Supplier Address - Indicates the address of the finished goods supplier.
- Supplier Contact - Indicates the contact person from the finished
goods supplier.
- Factory - Indicates the factory that manufactures the finished goods.
- Country of Origin - Indicates the country of origin of the finished
- PO/A - Indicates the product office/agent that is responsible for
sourcing the finished goods.
- Sourcing Div/Dept - Indicates the sourcing division and department
of production office/agent responsible for sourcing the finished goods.
- Comments - Indicates additional information regarding the material.
Test Round - Shows the information on the test round, including:
- Test Round - Indicates a round of test in the product test that can
contain one or multiple test rounds.
- Test Request Date - Indicates the date when the test was requested.
- Reference No - Indicates the test round reference number.
- Test Round Status - Indicates the status of the test round, namely
Submitted to Test Supplier, Completed, or Cancelled. When a test round
is created, its default status is Submitted to Test Supplier.
- Test - Indicates what kind of test is requested, namely Basic Package
or Pilot Lot.
- Test Remarks - Indicates any remarks regarding the test.
- Test Result - Indicates the result of the test.
- Result Date - Indicates the date when the result is generated.
- Result Remarks - Indicates any remarks regarding test result.
- SO # - Indicates the ID number of the SO if the test round detail
is created from an SO.
From the page toolbar, click Categories to access the following options:
Reference Documents - Displays the documents and other items attached
to the product test. For details, see the ENOVIA Common Components User's
Discussion - Displays messages sent within a group about the particular
product test. For details, see the ENOVIA Common Components User's Guide.
Use the Properties page Actions menu or toolbar to access the following options:
Promote - Allows you to promote the product test.
Demote - Allows you to demote the product test.
Cancel Record - Allows you to cancel the product test.
Un-Cancel - Allows you to un-cancel the product test and change it
to Preliminary status.
Edit - Allows you to edit details of the product test.