Artwork Assembly of a POA

This page shows the Artwork Assembly details of a POA.

To access this page:

  1. View the POAs in an Artwork Package. For more information, see POAs in an Artwork Package.
  2. Click Name of a POA.

This topic explains the following:

The following table describes the columns in the Artwork Assembly tab of the POA-xxx: PowerView page.

Column Description
Type Type of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
Copy Text Copy Text defined of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
Language Language of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
Panel Location Panel Location of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
Description Description of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
State State of the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.
Name Name defined for the Artwork Element associated with the corresponding POA.

Click to view details of the corresponding Artwork Element in a new window.

Tab toolbar

The following table describes the tasks, which you can perform using the options in the tab toolbar.

Option Description For more information, see
Remove Element Remove the corresponding Element from the POA.  
Artwork Assembly Compare Compare two Artwork Assemblies.  
Export Artwork Assembly Export an Artwork Assembly in XML format.