Collaboration Requests Page

This page lists the collaboration requests and allows an Organization Manager to accept or reject requests. Accepting the invitation means that employees from both organizations can include employees from the other organization as workspace members.

To access this page:

  1. Log in as a user with the role of Organization Manager.
  2. Select > People and Organizations > Collaboration Requests from the global toolbar.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
From Organization The company name that made the request. You can click to view the company's Properties page. See Company Properties Page.
To Organization The company name that received the request (your organization). You can click to view the company's Properties page. See Company Properties Page.
Request Date The date the request was made.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description
Accept Accepts the request.

The system sends emails and IconMail to:

  • all Company Representatives for the organization that made the request; the message says your organization has accepted the request
  • all Company Representatives for your organization; the message confirms that the request has been accepted
Reject Rejects the checked request.

The system notifies the Company Representatives for both organizations and says the invitation has been rejected.