Accesses Page for a Discussion

Having access to a discussion means you can fully participate in the discussion, including reading and replying to any message in it and subscribing to the discussion. Anyone with access to a discussion can view the list of members who can access it. Not all objects support the ability to list and set Access controls.

To access this page:

  1. View the Discussions category for an item, see Discussions Page for an Object.
  2. From the Discussions list, click the Name of the discussion.
  3. From the page toolbar for the discussion, click Categories > Access. If you do not see this category, the object does not support setting access controls or you do not have authority to view access controls.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Access Checks for Messages


If the discussion is for a folder content item and that item is in more than one workspace, the access list includes members who have access from all workspaces. For ENOVIA Sourcing Central items, the access list includes the roles that have access to the item from ENOVIA Sourcing Central, usually the Supplier and Buyer roles.

Column Name Description
Name The name of the person or role who can participate in the discussion. Click to view the properties page for the person, role, or group.

If shows in the row, the member is a Workspace Lead. Workspace Leads can add and remove people from the workspace and assign accesses for workspace components. They can edit workspace properties, add and remove folders and subfolders, and have access to routes in which they are members. Workspace owners are automatically assigned Workspace Lead access.

If shows in the row, the member can create routes.

Type For individual persons, this column distinguishes between people added to the workspace individually (Person) and people added by virtue of being assigned to the Buyer Desk associated with the workspace (Buyer Desk). If Role is listed in the column then the member includes all people in the workspace creator's company who are assigned that role, which means all these people can participate in the discussion.
Organization The organization the person belongs to. This column is blank for roles.
Access The type of access granted to this person or role. See Access Checks for Messages.

When a person creates a public discussion for an item, the system automatically gives access to the people who have at least Read access to the item. When a person creates a private discussion, the system only grants access to people within the host company's organization who have at least Read access to the item. Users from external organizations cannot view private discussions.

The discussion creator can remove persons and roles from the access list, preventing them from viewing or replying to any message in the discussion. The discussion creator cannot add people to this list; people who do not have Read access to an item cannot read discussions about it.

After the discussion is created, the system does not update the access list as new people are given access to the item being discussed. However, if a person's Read access to the item being discussed is removed, the system removes the person from the discussion's access list.


The filter (only displays with ENOVIA Sourcing Central or Supplier Central) at the top right of the page lets you select:

  • All types of users
  • Buyer Desk persons. Users assigned to the buyer desk the Workspace is associated with
  • Persons. Individual user names
  • Roles. Names of roles with access to the object

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description
Remove Selected Removes checked people, click OK to confirm.
Reset Access Re-adds all people that you have removed from the access list, click OK to confirm.

The system updates the list so it now contains all members who have Read access to the item being discussed.