Document Revisions Page

The policy that governs a document determines how it is revised, including the revision numbering scheme. Document sheets can also have revisions.

To access this page:

  1. View the Properties for a document. See Document Revisions Page.
  2. From the page toolbar, click Categories > Revisions.


    Click the Rev identifier in a document listing. The Revisions page lists all revisions.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
Name The name of the document.
Title The title of the document.
Revision The revision identifier. If you click this, the page opens in a new window and the only task you can execute is to download the revision.
Description A description of the revision.
State The state of the document revision.
Actions You can click the Download icon to copy, without locking, the files checked into the Document to your local machine. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.

Actions Menu or Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions:

Action Description
Revise Creates a new revision without the files checked into the document This action is only available if the selected document is the latest revision in the sequence.
Revise with Files Creates a new revision with the files checked into the document. This action is only available if the selected document is the latest revision in the sequence.

When using Revise with a DesignSync document, no files are attached to the new revision. When using Revise with Files with a DesignSync file, the files are copied to the new revision with a connection to the DesignSync file. You should change the selector of the revision to a new branch or tag to connect it to a different version of the DesignSync file. See Working with DesignSync File Access for more information on working with DesignSync files.