Access Page for a Route

The access page lists all members of the route or route template and their assigned access levels.

To access this page:

  1. Locate the route you want to work with. See Routes Page.
  2. From the page toolbar of the route, click Categories > Access.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Editing Access for a Route
Route Members and Access


These people, groups and roles can access the route and can be assigned tasks. If the check box next to a member's name is grayed, the member's task has already been created. People who have temporary access to the route because a task assignee delegated the task to them are not listed. Workspace Leads for the workspace can also view routes, if they are a route member.

Column Name Description
Name. The name of the person, group or role added to the route. You can click to view the person's Properties page.
Type Distinguishes between people added individually, groups, and roles.
Organization The organization the person belongs to. This is blank for groups and roles.
Access Shows the access each member has for the route. For a description of each access level, see Route Members and Access. When viewing the members for a route template, the Access column is not included.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Add People Adds individuals to the route. A task is added to the route for each person, group, role, or member list. Searching Using the Consolidated Search Form
Add Group Adds groups to the route.A task is added to the route for each person, group, role, or member list. Searching Using the Wizard
Add Role Adds roles to the group. A task is added to the route for each person, group, role, or member list. Searching Using the Wizard
Add Member List Adds member lists to the group. A task is added to the route for each person, group, role, or member list. Searching Using the Consolidated Search Form
Remove Removes the selected member from the route; click OK to confirm. --

The search results are filtered automatically by the system according to the route's scope. If the scope for the route is a workspace, only people, groups, and roles within that workspace are listed on the search results page. If the route's scope is Organization, only members of the specified organization are listed.