Select List Page

When adding an item to a list of items, you need to search for the required item. If the expected list of choices is not large, the ENOVIA product might use a simple list to let you select the needed item or items instead of opening a search page.

The Select Groups page is an example of this type of page. You access this page from the Members category for a Member list by clicking Add Groups or from the Company Name: Roles page when creating a user. Another example is the Select Roles page that opens when you click Add Role on the Company Name: Roles page when creating a user.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Members Page for a Member List


Column Name Description
Name Shows the name of the group with either an option button or check box. The option button (sometimes called a radio button) shows if the page only allows you to select a single item; the check box shows if you can select multiple items.
Description Describes the group or other item being listed.

Depending on the item being searched for, this page might show additional columns.


The toolbar lets you filter the list of items.

Toolbar Item Description
Name text box Used to enter part or all of the name that you want to find. Wildcards can be used.
Top Level check box When filtering hierarchical data, this check box searches only the top-level items (removes child items from the list).
Sublevels check box When filtering hierarchical data, this check box includes child items in the list.
Filter button Filters the list based on the value entered in the Name box and which check boxes are selected.

If no check boxes are selected, the filter includes both top-level and sub-level items.