Subscription Events for Configuration Options

You can only subscribe to configuration option events if you have ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central installed. Subscribing to a configuration option allows you to receive notification about selected events. For example, suppose you want to be notified whenever a specification is added to a configuration option during the course of its design and development. To be notified, you subscribe to alert events for the configuration option.

ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central creates your subscription and notifies you about events you subscribed to with a message containing:

  • The object's type, name, and revision
  • The event that took place
  • The name of the user who made the change
  • A URL for the configuration feature's information

Related Topics
Subscribing to Object Events
Event Notification Sent When
Engineering Change Raised An Engineering Change has been raised against the configuration option. Engineering Changes are listed on the Engineering Changes category.
Rule Added A new or existing rule has been added to the configuration option. Rules are listed on the Configuration Rules category.
Rule Removed A rule has been removed from the configuration optoin
Specification Added A new or existing specification has been added to the configuration option. Specifications are listed on the Specifications category.
Specification Removed A specification has been removed from the configuration option.
Test Case Added A new or existing test case has been added to the configuration option. Test cases are listed on the Test Cases category.
Test Case Removed A test case has been removed from the configuration option.