Adding Access

You only see the Add tool if you have grant access.

Before you begin:

View the access list for the needed item. See Access Page.

  1. Select Add from the page Actions menu or toolbar. The Search page opens.

  2. From the Search page;

    1. Click one of the following buttons:

      Find People. See Searching Using the Wizard.

      Find Role. See Searching Using the Wizard.

      Find Group. See Searching Using the Wizard.

    2. Enter search criteria and click Find. For help entering criteria, click on the Search page.

      All members who meet the criteria you entered are shown.

    3. Check the members you want to add.
    4. Click Done.

  3. Repeat Step 2 until you have added all the users, roles, and groups you want to add.

  4. In the Access column, select the access you want to grant for each user from the drop-down list. Choices are Add, Remove, Add Remove, or Read w/o Download.

  5. To remove a user, group, or role, from the list, check the items and select Remove from the page Actions menu or toolbar, then click OK to confirm.

  6. Click Done.