Editing Affected Items

You can edit the Requested Change or Reason for Change fields for the affected items related to an engineering change.

Before you begin:

View the list of affected items for the engineering change. See Affected Items Page.

  1. Click Edit All from the page Actions menu or toolbar. The Affected Items page opens.

    You can click to list related files. See Files Associated with an Object.

  2. To edit individual items, type the Reason for Change or select the Requested Change.

    • In the Reason for Change text box, specify why the change is needed for the affected item.
    • Select one of the following from the Requested Change drop-down list:
      • For Release. The affected item will not be revised but will be promoted to the Release state only when the engineering change is in a Complete state.
      • For Revise. The affected item will be revised and the New Revision will be promoted to the Release state when the engineering change is Complete.
      • For Obsolescence. The affected item is promoted to the Obsolete state when the engineering change is Complete.
      • For Update. The affected item will be updated and promoted to the Release state when the engineering change is Complete.
      • None

  3. To edit multiple affected items:

    1. Select the column to edit from the drop-down list.
    2. Type the value you want for that column in the Value field.
    3. Apply the changes:

      • To apply the value to only those items that are checked, click Apply to Selected.
      • To apply the value to all listed items, click Apply to All.

  4. Click Done.