Choosing Discussion Preferences

When viewing a discussion, you can choose to view the messages in flat view, where all the messages are listed chronologically, or in threaded view, where each message is indented beneath the message that it replies to. The default is flat view, but you can change it to threaded view.

In addition, you can choose to automatically sort the messages in ascending or descending order. See User Preferences for details on setting other preferences.

Related Topics
Discussion Thread Page
  1. Click > My Tools > Preferences from the global toolbar.

  2. From the General category, click Discussion Preference.

  3. Select Flat or Threaded to choose your default view.

  4. Select Ascending or Descending to choose your default sort method.

  5. Click Apply or Done to save your selection. Clicking Apply leaves the Preferences pop-up open so you can set other preferences. Clicking Done closes it.