Discussion Thread Page

A discussion thread includes the message that initiated the discussion and all replies to that message.

See the Choosing Discussion Preferences for information on setting preferences that define how the discussion thread displays for you.

To access this page:

  1. List all discussions (see Discussions Page) or the discussions for a specific item (see Discussions Page for an Object).
  2. From the Discussions list, click the Name of the discussion thread.

This topic defines these items:


The thread can be displayed in flat or threaded mode:

  • Flat view shows all discussion messages in a single list in chronological order.

  • Threaded view shows replies indented beneath the original message, with each reply indented beneath the message it replied to.

    To expand or collapse the threaded view, click the arrow in front of the message bar.

To view the properties for the object being discussed, click the link in the subheading

Only employees of the ENOVIA products host company, and its business units, divisions, and departments, can view Private messages. Employees of an external company who have access to the ENOVIA products can only view Public messages and do not see the Show option.

You can read all the messages in any discussion that you have been given access to. You can delete any discussion or message within a discussion as long as you posted it and it has no replies. You can only delete discussions or messages from the object's discussion list; you cannot delete from the Discussions list opened from the menu. If you originated the discussion, you can delete the entire discussion thread.


To change the view, select Flat or Threaded from the View drop-down list.

To sort the list by date, select Ascending or Descending from the Sort drop-down list. Ascending starts with the earliest date (showing the oldest messages first); Descending starts with the latest date (showing the newest messages first. When sorting in the threaded view, the sort is done for all messages at the same level within a thread.

To filter the list, select All, Public, or Private from the Show drop-down list.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Public Reply or Private Reply Replies to a message in the flat view. To reply to a message in the threaded view, click Public Reply or Private Reply beneath the message you want to reply to.

If you access ENOVIA products from an external company, you will not see the Private Reply option.

Replying to Messages in a Discussion
Subscribe Subscribes to the discussion, then click OK to confirm. Working with Subscriptions
Attachments Views or adds attachments for a message. Attachments Page for a Discussion
Delete Deletes a reply, click OK to confirm. --

Categories Menu

Category Description For details, see:


Lists the people who can participate in the discussion and lets the discussion owner add and remove people from the list.

Accesses Page for a Discussion


Lists a log of actions that have taken place for the discussion.

History Category


Lists the documents attached to the discussion and allows uploading external files or adding files from a workspace.

Attachments Page for a Discussion