Name |
Type a name for the impact analysis or
check the Autoname check box. Names are case-sensitive
and spaces are allowed. You can use complete names rather than abbreviations,
making the terminology in your system easier for people to understand.
Generally, name lengths can be a maximum of 127 characters. Leading and
trailing spaces are ignored. |
Description |
Type a description for the impact
analysis. |
Severity |
Select from the drop-down list the
level of severity for the analysis. Typical values are Low, Medium, and
High. |
Quality Impact |
How the quality of the product
will be affected by the engineering change. |
Lifecycle Cost Issues |
Any issues about lifecycle
costs. |
Prioritization Benefit |
A number indicating
the priority of the perceived benefit. |
Relative Cost |
The relative cost to be incurred,
rated on a scale of 9 (highest) to 1. |
Relative Penalty |
The relative penalty, rated
on a scale of 9 (highest) to 1. |
Relative Risk |
The relative risk involved,
rated on a scale of 9 (highest) to 1. |
Impact Analysis Effort |
The number of days
to determine what the impact will be on products and schedules. |
Estimate Schedule Impact |
The estimated number
of days to be added to the schedule due to the engineering change. |
Implementation Effort |
The number of days to
resolve the engineering change (development + analysis). |
Validation Effort |
The number of days to validate
the engineering change. |
Vault |
To change the vault, click and select a vault to
store the impact analysis object.