Editing a Person's Group

You may need to add a person to an additional group, or to change the groups to which a person belongs.

Before you begin:
  • Log in as a user with the role of Organization Manager.
  • View the Properties page for the needed user. See Person Properties.
  1. From the page toolbar, click Categories > Group.

    This page lists the groups to which the person has already been added.

  2. To add this person to another group:

    1. Select Add Group from the page Actions menu or toolbar.
    2. Enter search criteria and click Find. See Searching Using the Wizard.
    3. Check the needed group.
    4. Click Done.

  3. To remove this person from a group:

    1. Check the group's name.
    2. Select Remove from the page Actions menu or toolbar.
    3. Click OK to confirm.