Managing Licences for a Person

You can access the license feature from a person's Categories menu. The page lists all product licenses installed on the license server.

Before you begin: View the person's Properties page. See Person Properties.
  1. From the page toolbar, click Categories > Product Licenses .

    For each product installed on the license server, this page lists these details:

    Name. The product's name.

    License Assigned. Yes if this person is assigned a license to this product.

    Licenses: Total. The total number of licenses purchased for this product.

    Licenses: Assigned. The number of licenses already assigned to users.

    Licenses: Consumed. The number of licenses consumed (the assigned user has logged into the ENOVIA system).

  2. Use Mode in the page Actions menu or toolbar to assign or unassign licenses:

    1. Click Mode to enter edit mode.
    2. For the needed ENOVIA product, select Yes or No from the drop-down list in the License Assigned column.
    3. Click Apply.
    4. Click Mode to exit edit mode.

      If the user was logged in, the user must logout before an added license is accessible.