Approving Multiple Tasks

You can approve or mark as complete multiple tasks at a time.

Before you begin: Open the My Task Mass Approval page; see Approving Multiple Tasks Page.
  1. To approve a single task:

    1. Select an option from the Approval Status pull-down list. The options vary depending on the type of task.

      Task Type Approval Status Options

      Route with task action set to Approve

      No Action




      Route with task action set to Comment

      No Action


      Route with task assignee set to Role or Group

      No Action


      Project tasks

      No Action


      Workflow tasks

      No Action



    2. Enter Comments explaining why that approval status was chosen.

  2. To approve multiple tasks (applies the same value to all selected rows):

    1. Check the needed tasks.
    2. Select the Column to update: Approval Status or Comments.
    3. If you selected the Approval Status column, select a value as described in step 3a.

      If you selected the Comment column, enter a comment that will be applied to all selected rows.

    4. Choose which tasks to update:

      1. Click Apply to Selected to only update the selected rows.
      2. Click Apply to All to update all rows in the page, whether or not selected.

      If you select an approval status other than No Action for a row, you must enter a Comment.

  3. Click Done.