Editing the Definition of a Task

The workflow owner can edit the definition of any task in the workflow as long as the task has not been completed yet. This procedure describes how to edit the definition of one task at a time and is the procedure you must use to edit tasks that are active (those assignees can work on now).

Before you begin: View the properties page for the needed task. See Workflow Task Properties.
  1. Select Edit Details from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

  2. From the Edit Workflow Task Details page, edit the information as needed:

    Field Name Description
    Description Change the description as needed.
    Due Date Click to change the date when the task is due. If the assignee does not complete the task by the due date, the task is marked as late (red) and the workflow's status is changed from green to yellow.
    Instructions Change the instructions to the assignee about how to perform the task.

  3. Click Done.