Workflow Task Properties

This page lets you view and edit details about tasks that are assigned to you and are ready to be completed or that you have already completed. You can also view the properties about active tasks in a workflow that you own.

To access this page:

  1. Locate the needed task. See Tasks Page (Inbox, WBS, and Workflow) or View the list of tasks for the workflow. See Workflow Tasks Page.
  2. Click the task Name.

This topic defines these items:


Field Name Description
Name Name of the task.
Description Details about the task.
Owner The person who owns the workflow.
Originated Date the task was created. This is the same as the date the previous task was completed.
Due Date The date and time the workflow owner requests that you complete the task, if specified.
Assignee The person responsible for completing the task. This is the person the workflow owner assigned to the task.
Workflow The name of the workflow that contains the task. Click the workflow name to go to the workflow page.
State Assigned or Completed. When a task is created for an assignee, its status is Assigned. When the assignee indicates the task is complete, the status changes to Completed.
Instructions Describes how to perform the task.
Priority Indicates how important the task is: High, Medium or Low.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details For workflow owners only, edits the task, including changing the description, due date, or instructions. Editing the Definition of a Task
Override For workflow owners only, overrides the task in order to advance the workflow without having the assignee complete the task. --
Accept For workflow owners only, assigns the task to you if you are a member of a group or role that is assigned the task. --
Suspend For workflow owners only, suspends the task. --
Reassign For workflow owners only, makes a different person responsible for the task. The Search page opens, where you can select criteria to search for the person to own the task. Only the workflow owner can reassign the task.  
Complete For the task owner, marks the task as complete. This causes the workflow to activate the next activity. Completing a Workflow Task


Category Description For details, see:


For route tasks, shows the Properties page for the task.

For workflow tasks, the task name shows the Properties page.

Route Task Properties


For route tasks only:

Provided you have the appropriate access to the content item, the Route Content page lets you view, download, lock for edit, and check in new versions of documents in the route and work with other route content. For example, you can only edit documents that you have at least Read Write access to.

The Route Content page for a task is just like the Content page for the route, described in Content Page for a Route, except there are no links for adding and removing content. To add and remove content for the route, you must access the Content page for the route.


For workflow tasks only:

Shows documents checked in to the task.

Task Deliverables Page.


Shows a log of events that have occurred for the task.

History Category


Shows sub-routes created to complete the task.

Routes Page


Lists the revisions of the task. A task could have multiple revisions if the route it belongs to was restarted at any point.

Revisions Page for a Task