Editing a Non-Compliant Manufacturing Plan Breakdown

This topic describes how to edit a Manufacturing Plan Breakdown with an OR Design that must be resolved.

Related Topics
Editing the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown
  1. A Manufacturing Plan with an OR Design initially shows an unresolved symbol in the Check column, which means that the Breakdown is non-compliant.

  2. To resolve the inconsisency, select Edit Manufacturing Plan Breakdown from the non-compliant Manufacturing Plan's Actions menu.

    The Resolution window is displayed. The aim of this window is to resolve an OR Design at the Manufacturing Plan level.

    In this example, the top assembly contains two OR Designs:

    • Product "Tail1A" OR "Tail1 B"
    • Product "Fuselage1 A" OR Product "Fuselage1 B"

  3. Select the desired subassembly revision(s) within the context of the Manufacturing Plan (e.g., the Products "Tail1 A" and "Fuselage1 A"). Click Done.

    Note: The resolution can be modified at any time as long as the Manufacturing Plan is not yet released.

Once all OR Designs are resolved, the Edit Manufacturing Plan window is displayed.

Note: The system associates the Manufacturing Plans comprising the Breakdown with the related subassembly revision, even if the Manufacturing Plan is not directly associated with the subassembly revision. For example:

  • Manufacturing Plan "Cockpit1-MP1 1" and Manufacturing Plan "Cockpit1-MP2 1" under Product "Cockpit1 B"
  • Manufacturing Plan "Fuselage1-MP1 1" under Product "Fuselage1 A"
  • Manufacturing Plan "Tail1-MP1 1" under Product "Tail1 A"

The Check column indicates that the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown is not compliant for the subassembly Product "Cockpit B".

The Manufacturing Plan "Aircraft C-MP1" intent is Regular. This means that the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown must exactly comply with the related Assembly Design Effectivity. The Manufacturing Plan Breakdown must be modified for the Product "Cockpit B".

The resolution result is captured at the Manufacturing Plan level through a relationship. The system associates the Manufacturing Plans comprising the Breakdown with the related subassembly revision, even if the Manufacturing Plan is not directly associated with that revision. For example:

  • Manufacturing Plan "Cockpit-MP1 A" and Manufacturing Plan "Cockpit-MP2 A" under Product "Cockpit B"
  • Manufacturing Plan "Fuselage-MP1 A" under Product "Fuselage B"
  • Manufacturing Plan "Tail-MP1 A" under Product "Tail B"

The symbol in the Check column indicates that the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown is compliant for all subassemblies but may have an issue.

If the Manufacturing Plan Intent is "Retrofit," this means that the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown must comply with the related Assembly Design Effectivity with allowed deviations. A subassembly Manufacturing Plan comprising the Breakdown could be associated with a previous revision of the selected subassembly.