Opening a Defect Action

When you promote a Defect Action from the Evaluate to the Open state, you define a candidate model or committed for product where the fix will be implemented.

Before you begin: View the Properties page for the Defect Action. See Viewing Defect Action Details
  1. From the page toolbar, click Promote to Open.

  2. Select a Model or Product:

    1. Click the ellipsis button to select open a search page.
    2. Enter search criteria.
    3. Select the needed Model or Product.
    4. Click Submit.

  3. Click Done.

  4. Assign the Defect Action to a developer and quality person. See Assigning a Defect Action.

If you selected a Model, that Model is added to the Candidate for Model field in the Defect Action properties. If you selected a Committed for Product, that product is added to the Committed Product field in the Defect Action properties.