emxSystem.properties for Search and Advanced Search

The properties in this table can be edited to configure the ENOVIA Business Process Services applications for your business processes.

Related Function Property Name
Allowed Values Description
emxFramework.Search.QueryLimit = 100 

Default = 100.

Sets the default limit for the number of items returned in a search. Users can edit this value when executing searches, although they cannot exceed the value set using the emxFramework.Search.UpperQueryLimit property.

Default =1000. Allowable values are 1 to 32767.

Sets a maximum limit on search results. On the search dialog, the user can specify a value to limit the number of items returned. If the user types a number higher than what is set in this property, an error message is shown and the user must type a number lower than the maximum.
emxFramework.DefaultSearchVaults = ALL_VAULTS 

  • ALL_VAULTS--all main and secondary vaults for the company to which the person belongs. This list includes both local and remote vaults.
  • LOCAL_VAULTS-- all main and secondary vaults for the company to which the person belongs. This list includes only local vaults.
  • DEFAULT_VAULT--default vault of the logged in person
  • String of vaults [separated by commas].
Defines the vaults that users can select for searches

See Setting Up Vaults, Companies, and Users for details about determining and implementing a vaulting strategy for your company.

The user also can set a personal preference for which vaults to search.

emxFramework.GenericSearch.Types = 

Include only top-level types, since you can drill down for the child types.

Specifies the types listed in the type chooser, which opens when a user clicks the ellipsis button for a Type field. The type list can also be overridden by passing appropriate URL parameters. For details, see URL Parameters Passed to emxFullSearch.jsp.
emxFramework.ContextSearch.ContainedIn.Types= type_Project,\ 
Add or remove types as needed. Use the type's symbolic name as shown. Defines the types available for reports and context (shown as Contained In) searches. Used by the reports generated by the Metrics menu and the Context Search feature, which allow users to restrict a report or search to a specific Workspace, Library, or Project Space.
emxFramework.ContextSearch.Relationships.type_Project =

    relationship_Issue, \
Add or remove relationships as needed. Use the relationship's symbolic name as shown. Defines relationships for Contained In option, which is used when running a Metrics report or context search and a Project is selected as the Contained In type. ENOVIA Business Process Services expands on the listed relationships to look for matching items.
emxFramework.ContextSearch.Relationships.type_ProjectSpace =

    relationship_Issue, \
Add or remove relationships as needed. Use the relationship's symbolic name as shown. Defines the relationships used to generate a report using a Project Space when running a Metrics report or context search and a Project Space is selected as the Contained In type. ENOVIA Business Process Services expands on the listed relationships to look for matching items.
emxFramework.ContextSearch.Relationships.type_Libraries =

Add or remove relationships as needed. Use the relationship's symbolic name as shown. Defines the relationship used to generate a search on Libraries when running a Metrics report or context search and Libraries is selected as the Contained In type. ENOVIA Business Process Services expands on the listed relationships to look for matching items.
emxFramework.ContextSearch.Relationships.type_DOCUMENTS = 
Add or remove relationships as needed. Use the relationship's symbolic name as shown. Defines the relationships used to generate a report on DOCUMENTS when running a Metrics report or context search and DOCUMENTS is selected as the Contained In type. ENOVIA Business Process Services expands on the listed relationships to look for matching items.
Default = 250. Any positive integer can be used. Defines the maximum number of types to be displayed in a type chooser when filtering the type list (using the Filter button).
The property can contain one or more comma-separated values from the following table:

Additional Basic Attributes How Basic Attribute Displays


Free form text box. The user can type in a user's full name, which is matched to the "fullname" attribute in the Person administrative object, the actual user name(id) of the user.


A pull-down list of the policy states for any selected types.


Date field


Date field


Text field

Configures which additional basic attributes to display when the user clicks the "More" link on the Search page. These attributes can be used to define more specific search criteria.
emxFramework.Search.OnSelect.Action = Show Content 

  • Show Content. The search popup window remains open but moves behind the application window so the user can see the object details.
  • Show Search.The search popup remains open and on top of the main window
  • Close Window. Closes the search popup window when a user clicks an object name
Controls what happens to the search popup window after the user clicks an object's name. The search and search result pages display in a popup window on top of the main window. When a user clicks the name of an object in the results list, details about the object appear in the Content frame within the main application window.
emxFramework.BackgroundProcess.NumberOfThreads = <number> 
Default = 10. Specifies the number of threads to be started in the background process pool for searching a large set of data.
Advanced Search (full-text)
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.QueryType=Real Time

  • Real time (default). The full search window uses a real time search presented in a form view.
  • Indexed. The full search window uses the parametric search functions (requires installation and configuration defined in the Exalead Full Text Search Server Installation Guide).
If you change the value of this property to Indexed, you also need to modify that property in the staging area and create and deploy a new .war file.

Defines the search type for all Full Search windows, whether accessed from the Search menu on the global toolbar or from a browse button in a dialog box.

To see the difference in the search types, see Types of Searches.

This setting can be overridden on a specific search page by passing the queryType URL parameter to emxFullSearch.jsp.

  • true (default). (Immediate mode) The user continues to pare down the search results by selecting types (or workspace or other taxonomy item) and attribute values and the search results are updated each time the user selects an attribute value.
  • false. (Delayed mode) The attribute section is updated when the user selects a type or other taxonomy item, but the search results do not display until the user clicks Search.
Defines when an advanced search executes.

In indexed/navigation mode, you can configure your system to either search immediately when a user enters a value for an attribute, or to delay displaying search results until the user enters multiple criteria and then clicks Search. Either way, if the user selects a type or other taxonomy item, the attribute list is still updated for that selection, but in delayed mode, the search results do not display until the user clicks the Search button.

This functionality cannot be overriden for a specific search page.

Default = 10. If the numeric or date attribute contains less than 10 unique values, the values are displayed in the select box.

Defines how many numeric/date range values to list for an attribute when navigating search results by attribute values. The value determines how many unique values for numeric or date fields are shown individually before converting the value list to ranges. The user can then select a range, or select greater than or less than a specific value.

Default = 100.

Defines the default limit for the "limit to" text box to limit the number of results displayed in the full-text search page

The value of this property can be overriden for an individual search page by passing the queryLimit URL parameter to the emxFullSearch.jsp.


Default = 1000.

Use this property to define a maximum limit for real-time searches to prevent users from entering larger values.


Default = 50.

Limits the number of results per page for Indexed searches when enabled by the ShowPagination property. Pagination allows users to click on a specific page, or go to the first, previous, next, or last page in the search results.

This value can be overridden for a specific page by passing the pageSize URL parameter as described in URL Parameters Passed to emxFullSearch.jsp.


  • true (default). The pagination controls show on the advanced search toolbar.
  • false. The pagination controls are not available.
Enables pagination for advanced searches.

  • true (default). Did you mean is enabled.
  • false. Did you mean is disabled.
Implements a "do you mean" functionality similar to Internet search engines.

  • true. The search is form-based.
  • false (default). The search is navigation-based.
Sets the user interface type for the advanced search page. See Running an Advanced Search (Form Mode) and Running an Advanced Search (Navigation Mode) for details on these user interfaces.

This property defines the global setting for all full-text search pages defined for all installed applications. For a specific full-text search page, this property can be overridden using the viewFormBased URL parameter. See Full-Text Search for details.


  • treu (default). The toggle button is enabled.
  • false. The toggle button is disabled.

Shows or hides a button that toggles between form-based and navigation-based modes.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FormView.FixedFields= \
Add or remove any Field names as needed.

The default value is shown.

Defines the fixed fields for parametric (Form-based view) AND real-time searches.
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FormView.Indexed.FixedFields= \
Add or remove any Field names as needed.

The default value is shown.

Sets the fixed fields for the parametric form view, if different than the above.
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FormView.RealTime.FixedFields= \
This property defines fields to always display in form view for the real-time search. Set the value for this property depending on your business requirements.

For a full search page, you can use the formInclusionList URL parameter to pass additional fields for displaying in the search criteria section.

Sets the fixed fields for the real-time form view, if different than the above.

  • true. The user must explicitly enter the * to indicate a wildcard search.
  • false (default). The user can leave the text box blank.
Defines if the user must enter the * to indicate all for a text box in a search, or if the absence of any value indicates all and the search engine assumes the * wildcard.

For example (if the value is 10), a user could enter:

Project PR*

to search for any text starting with the above string. If the user enters a shorter string, a warning message displays and the search is not executed.

When using wildcards (* and ?) in a Search or non-parametric text box in the advanced search page (indexed searching), performance can be poor because of the large number of matches for a wildcard. You can require that the user enter a minimum number of characters when executing a wildcard search to reduce the number of matches.

The number of characters for search strings that do not use a wildcard is not affected by this property; this minimum does not apply to non-indexed searches.

For any specific advanced search page, you can override the default value by passing the minRequiredCharacters URL parameter with a field name to emxFullSearch.jsp. See Full-Text Search for details on emxFullSearch.jsp.

To support this functionality, all fields that previously used the * wildcard no longer accept the wildcard.


  • true (default). If the user enters fewer than the minimum number, a warning displays but the user can click Yes to continue.
  • false. If the user enters fewer than the minimum number, an error displays and the user cannot continue with that search.

Enables/disables the requirement for entering a minimum number of characters when using wildcards.

where <SUITENAME> is the application name, such as EngineeringCentral. Specifies a JPO that contains the callback function code. Callback functions are used when a user selects an Add Existing option, and the full-text search function needs to return selected objects to a page. If you create a custom JPO for this purpose, or develop your own applications, you may need to change the value of this property.
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.NavigationView.IncludeFields = ORIGINATED, 
Add or remove fields as needed.

If you edit the config.xml file on a running server, you must restart the server for changes to take effect.

Defines the list of fields to always display in the navigation pane of an indexed (navigation view) search or the attribute refinements pane of a real-time or indexed (form view) search.

The fields must also be configured in config.xml (field names must match exactly, including case) to set the searchindex system variable, or the search will fail. For example, if the field "Unit of Measure" is configured to appear, it must also appear with the same spelling and capitalization as a field name entry in the config.xml file: FIELD name= "Unit of Measure". A field name should appear exactly the same, not a select=attribute[Unit of Measure] entry in the config.xml file.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.NavigationView.IncludeFieldsShownFirst = 

  • true (default). Breadcrumb list is populated with default fields.
  • false. Breadcrumb list is not populated with the default fields.

Specifies that the fields listed in the above property are shown in the breadcrumb list when the search page is initially opened.

For a specific search page, the formInclusionList URL parameter can be used to add additional fields to the attribute pane in the real-time or form-view indexed searches.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.NoCountsThreshold= 10000

Default = 10000.

If the value is set to -1, the search always returns counts for attribute values and taxonomies.

If the value is set to 0, the search never returns counts for attribute values and taxonomies.

Defines a threshold for displaying counts using indexed search.

When the result set exceeds the specified value, the indexed search page does not show counts for attribute values or taxonomies. This property does not limit the result set, it only defines a threshold over which counts do not display if the result set is larger than that number. By not calculating the individual attribute value counts, the search results can be loaded faster.


  • true (default) When a user selects the navigation search, an initial, unfiltered result set is loaded into the page.
  • false. The user must enter criteria before any results are shown on the page.
Defines if an indexed search (navigation mode) immediately shows an unfiltered result set, or if the user must enter search criteria before any results are shown.

This property can be overridden on a specific page by the showInitialResults URL parameter defined in Initial Search Criteria.


  • true. Users can Search without entering specific criteria, using the criteria entered by properties and URL parameters. For a general search with few pre-defined criteria (such as limiting the Types), the search could result in a huge query.
  • false (default). The Search button is disabled until the user enters search criteria.

Enables or disables the Search button during the initial load.

This property can be overridden for a specific page using the enableSearchButton URL parameter.


  • true. The search results add a column for any attribute selected by the user for refinement, even if all attribute values in the results are the same.
  • false (default). Dynamic columns are only added to the results table if the user inputs 2 or more values or does not use wildcard characters for refining the results.
Defines how the search results table dynamically adds columns based on user selections of attribute values in the navigation pane.

If a user specifies an attribute value in a full-text search, the page adds that column to the result set if:

  • Multiple values for an attribute
  • A date range for an attribute using the On or after, On or before, and between operators
  • A number (real or integer) using the <, >, and between operators

  • true. Attributes are added as columns to the result set.
  • false (default). Classified attributes are not added as columns to the result set, even if they meet the criteria listed above.

Defines whether the dynamic columns property also applies to attributes in library classes. The library attributes must be configured in config.xml as fields.

You also need to differentiate the classified attributes from other attributes in the config.xml file. This example shows how to define a standard ENOVIA attribute (as a parametric attribute) compared to a classifed attribute:

<FIELD name="Severity" select="attribute[Severity]" 
<FIELD name="RESISTANCE" select="attribute[Resistance]" 

This property only affects attributes for library classes; it has no effect on attributes of object types, such as Parts or Documents.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.Libraries = LIBRARIES

  • LIBRARIES (default)
Defines if a taxonomy (as entered in config.xml) is considered a library for navigation purposes. Taxonomies are defined when the field type is set to TAXONOMY in config.xml.

See the Exalead Full Text Search Server Installation Guide for details on defining taxonomies in the config.xml file.


  • true. The system remembers the selection status of all check boxes when the user moves to a different page of the search results.
  • false (default). The system does not retain the selection status of check boxes.
Defines if selections are retained when navigating through pages of the search results.

Default = 1000.

Defines a threshold value to enable fast sort for the search results (when the user clicks the column header) in Indexed mode.

If the result count is greater than this threshold, the search application executes a fast sort. Sorting is done across all pages of the search results for fields that have both the fastsort and sortable attributes set to true in config.xml. No other columns can be sorted on.

If the threshold is below this value, only the current page is sorted, but all columns can be sorted on.

This property applies to indexed searching; it does not apply to real time searches.

This property only applies to those fields defined in the config.xml file with fastsort=true when the user clicks the header for the column listing those field values. When fastsort is used, any field not defined in config.xml with fastsort=true is not sortable in the search results table. When fastsort is enabled for a search results page, the column headings are underlined.

If the search results do not exceed the threshold defined by this property, fast sort is not enabled and the user can sort by any column, although sorting is only done on the current page.

By default, the comma (,) is used as the separator. Defines the separator used between values (search criteria) entered in a field.
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.TextRefinement.SearchTermsAllowed = 20
  Defines search term limits

This property defines how many search terms (a comma-separated string of terms) can be executed in a single query.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.TextRefinement.SearchTermsLength = 10

This property defines how many characters can be used for a single search term. If you increase either of these values, performance may be degraded.


By default, the colon (:) is used. If you change the value, do not use any of these values:

  • value of the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.RefinementSeparator property (these 2 properties must have different values)
  • #
  • !
  • &
  • % (any text that begins with the percent symbol, such as %3A, %3D, %2C)
  • [ or ]
  • {or }
  • ?
  • ,
  • "
Defines the separator used between fields in the URL string passed to the emxFullSearch.jsp page.

To override this value for a specific search page, use the fieldSeparator URL parameter. See URL Parameters Passed to emxFullSearch.jsp.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.CaseSensitive = false

  • true. The case sensitive check box is selected.
  • false (default). The check box is not selected.

This property applies only when the first advanced search page is opened. If the user selects or clears the check box, that choice is saved as a preference and is used for any other advanced search page for this user.

Configures case-sensitive searches for form mode (a check box displays).
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.LATESTREVISION = true
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.LASTREVISION = false

LATESTREVISION corresponds to the By State check box; LASTREVISION corresponds to the Highest check box. Both properties can be set to false, but do not set both properties to true (this results in an invalid configuration).

Sets defaults for the Revision attribute filter.

This filter includes check boxes for Highest and By State. Only one of these check boxes is selected at a time.

These properties set the default for all search pages defined by emxFullSearch.jsp. The default values can be overridden for a specific search page using the LATESTREVISON or LASTREVISION URL parameters. See Searches for details.

emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FillPages = false

  • true. The fill pages feature is used and the results consolidate the list to fill the page.
  • false (default). The fill pages feature is not used and the results could include empty or partially-filled pages.
Enables the search to use the fill page feature which allows the search results to consolidate the result set after retrieving results and removing those the user does not have access to. If this is not done, the removed results could result in empty or unfilled pages.

This property sets the default for all search pages defined by emxFullSearch.jsp. The default values can be overridden for a specific search page using the fillPages URL parameter. See Searches for details.