*Registered Suite |
The application the field belongs to. |
Set the value without any spaces, for example,
EngineeringCentral or Framework. |
Access Expression Access Function Access
Program |
Only non-object expressions are allowed. |
context.user.name == "Test Everything" |
Admin Type |
Use to translate fields whose values are names
of administrative objects or ranges of attributes. |
-- |
Allow Manual Edit |
Can user manually edit the field. |
false (default) true |
Cols |
This setting limits the length of the textarea
on the form and specifies the visible width in average character widths.
-- |
Default |
Default can by a symbolic name for fields such
as Type and Vault. |
-- |
Display Format |
Specifies the number of the date format for
any field where the value of the format setting is "date." |
-- |
Display Time |
Controls whether the time displays with the
date for fields whose format is set to date. |
true false |
Editable |
Use to indicate whether the field is displayed
as editable or read only. Only applies for Edit mode. View mode ignores
the setting. |
true (default) false |
Field Size |
Determines the width of a textbox input type
field. |
-- |
Field Type |
This setting defines the type of data for the
field. The Group Holder setting has been deprecated. |
Supported field types: basic attribute Section
Header Section Separator program programHTMLOutput Not
supported field types: Dynamic Attributes ClassificationPaths ClassificationAttributes image Table
Holder Group Holder emxTable |
format |
Use to specify the type of data in the field.
date currency numeric email |
function |
The name of the method to call within the JPO
program specified in the program setting. |
-- |
Group Name |
Used for grouping fields in web forms. |
The name of the group. |
Help Marker |
Specifies the name of the help marker to call
for context-sensitive help. |
-- |
Hide Label |
Displays or hides the label for a particular
row on a form. |
True False |
Input Type |
Specifies the type of HTML control to display
for user input. |
textbox textarea checkbox listbox radiobutton combobox |
Label |
Use to enter the text that should appear as
the label for the field. |
-- |
Maximum Length |
Limits the number of characters that can be
entered in a field with Input Type of textbox. |
-- |
Popup Modal |
Specifies whether windows opened from a link
are modal or non-modal. |
true false |
Popup Size |
Defines the size of the popup window. The value can be one of the listed example sizes. The pixel width and height values for these sizes are defined in emxSystem.properties. See emxSystem.properties. |
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- SmallTall
- MediumTall
program |
Use to specify the name of the JPO program to
get the field's data. |
-- |
RangeHref |
Use to configure a textbox that has a Browse
(...) button that calls a chooser. |
-- |
Range Function |
Use to specify the name of the method in the
JPO specified in the Range Program setting. |
-- |
Range Program |
Use to specify the name of a JPO that contains
a method to get the field value ranges (choices). |
-- |
Remove Range Blank |
Used when the input type is
set to combobox to ensure that the field contains a
value and is not left blank. |
true false (default) |
Rows |
This setting limits the height of the textarea
on the form and specifies the number of visible text lines. |
-- |
Section Level |
Used in conjunction with the Field Type: Section
Header setting to define the level of heading. |
1 (default) 2 |
Show Clear Button |
Adds a Clear hyperlink next to the field. |
true false |
Sort Range Values |
Enables or disables the sorting of range values
in combobox or listbox controls. |
enable (default disable |
Target Location |
Controls where the page specified in the href
parameter appears when a user clicks the hyperlinked data. |
popup content mainFrame _top |
TypeAhead |
Enables type ahead. |
true false |
TypeAhead Program |
Name of the JPO called to retrieve a list of
possible values. |
-- |
TypeAhead Function |
The name of the JPO method. |
-- |
TypeAhead Character Count |
Overrides the emxFramework.TypeAhead.RunProgram.CharacterCount
system property. |
2 (default) 5 |
TypeAhead Saved Values Limit |
Overrides the emxFramework.TypeAhead.SavedValuesLimit
system property. |
10 (default) |
*Required Setting |