
The properties in this table can be edited to configure the ENOVIA Business Process Services applications for your business processes.

Related Function Property Name
Allowed Values Description
3DLive.Environments = 3DLive, Designer Central
The environment name is arbitrary and should be something your users will understand. Defines the environment for 3DLive searches.

The "environment" is a group of business process products. The values for this property become options in the Environment drop-down list in the 3DLive Search Criteria dialog box.

3DLive.Domains.Engineering_Central = type_Part,type_HardwarePart
3DLive.Domains.Designer_Central = type_CATProduct,type_CATPart

The text after Domains in the property name must match an environment defined in the 3DLive.Environments property. Use the symbolic names for the administrative types.

Defines the administrative types available for searching from within an environment specified above. The defined types become options in the Object pull-down list when that environment is selected.

where ENVIRONMENT matches a value defined in 3DLive.Environments property, and the TYPE is defined for that environment's Domain property. Use symbolic names for administrative type names.

For example:

3DLive.ExpandRelationshipPattern.Engineering_Central.type_Part = EBOM
3DLive.ExpandTypePattern.Engineering_Central.type_Part = *

In this example, any object (based on the * wildcard for the second property) connected to the Part using the EBOM relationship should be found. If the expand type pattern property is blank, the object will not be expanded during searches.

Defines how the search expands the connections to an object when searching.

Use the symbolic name of the table. See Building a Table for details on creating configurable tables.

Defines the configurable table used to display the search results.
Provide a comma-separated list of valid MQL expressions to define the value. For each defined image path (for an environment), you must also define the image formats.

For example:

3DLive.ImagePaths.Engineering_Central.type_Part = 
3DLive.ImageFormats.Engineering_Central.type_Part = CGR,CGR
Defines how the system navigates to images for an object.

When searching for an image, the system follows the defined paths until it finds an Image Holder object, then checks that object for a file checked into the listed format. If none are found, the system continues searching the defined image paths. For each path defined in the image paths property, you must define the format. If the image is found on the first path, the first listed format is checked. If the image is found on the fourth path, the fourth listed image format is checked (you can provide the same format for all paths, if appropriate).


The ThumbnailPaths property follows the same format as the ImagePaths property; the ThumbnailFormats property follows the same format at the ImageFormats property.

Defines the paths/formats for the 2D image associated with the 3D image.
Access Grants
To add types, enter the a comma-separated list of symbolic type names. Specifies the types for which grants should be made.

This property applies to objects added to workspace and project folders. The schema name for a folder object is Workspace Vault. Typically, when an object type is added to a folder, people with access to the folder should be granted access to that object. In Program Central, only grants for document types and their sub-types are made.

For the accesses to be granted for a type, the type's policy must have the Access Grantor role with the appropriate permissions. The property also accepts All, which means grants will be made for all types added to folders (again, the policy must support granting with the Access Grantor role).

  • true (default). Any sub-type defined for the defined types will be included in the access grants.
  • false. the grants are made only for the specific types listed in the above property
Applies the access grants for folders to any sub-type of a type defined in the above property.

where SUITE_NAME is the Central name of the application, such as EngineeringCentral for ENOVIA Engineering Central.

This is typically Apps/Framework/VERSION/APPLICATIONNAME.

Defines the name of the directory where files for the application are located.

where SUITE_NAME is the Central name of the application, such as EngineeringCentral for Engineering Central.

By default, this file is named emxAPPLICATIONNAME.properties. All properties files are located in Apps/Framework/ VERSION/UserInterface.

Defines the name of the property file for the application.

where SUITE_NAME is the Central name of the application, such as EngineeringCentral for ENOVIA Engineering Central.

Defines the first displayed page for the application.

This page is typically called after the application home page is invoked and loads the application properties file. This page must be within the directory specified in the directory property.

Provide a comma-separated list of basic properties to be included in the Auto Filter function. The above property shows the default basic properties. Defines basic properties for auto filter.

As installed, this property is blank. You need to add the attributes for which you want to enable the auto filter functionality.

Provide a comma-separated list of the symbolic names of attributes to be included in the Auto Filter function.
Defines attributes for auto filter. These basic properties will be filterable even if the specific column in the table/structure browser does not have the Auto Filter=true setting.

As installed, this property is blank. You need to add the attributes for which you want to exclude from the auto filter functionally.

Provide a comma-separated list of the symbolic names of attributes to be excluded from the Auto Filter function.
Defines attributes to exclude from the auto filter. Use this property to avoid attributes that may have a large number of possible values (such as Descriptions) or that are populated with range values.

Autofiltering can be enabled/disabled for specific tables or structure browsers (by passing the URL parameter autoFilter=true/false); and individual columns can be defined with the Auto Filter setting (set to true or false). The included basic properties and attributes entered in the emxSystem.properties file will be filterable even if the specific column in the table/structure browser does not have the Auto Filter=true setting. If an attirbute is included in the inclusion list but the Auto Filter=false setting is defined on the column, then that column on the table/structure browser page will not be included for autofiltering.

The URL parameter autoFilter overrides all other autofilter properties and settings. See Methods for Filtering a Table.

Background Processing
Replace ServerIdentifier with the identifier specified in the -D key in the start up script. See Configuring Background Processing. All server startup scripts should use the same ServerIdentifier value. Implements a start up process to automatically resubmit jobs that were in process (either in the Running or Submitted states) when a system crash occurred.
Bean Mapping
emxFramework.BeanMapping.PreliminarySearchFiles = 
Enter the names of the needed .properties files. Defines bean mapping files that will be searched before executing the standard search algorithm, which looks at the mapping files associated with the bean packages shipped with ENOVIA Business Process Services and applications. For details, see the About Mapping Files and JavaBeans.
Browser Toolbar
emxFramework.Preferences.ToggleBrowserToolbar = true 

  • true (default). The browser toolbar remains visible.
  • false. The application pops up a new window without the browser toolbar after the user logs in, and closes the browser window used to log into the ENOVIA products.
Shows or hides the browser's toolbar.
emxFramework.Calendar.Events = NON-WORKING|yellow|selectable
To define the color, you can change yellow to any valid HTML color string. This value is reserved for future use. Defines the color used to display non-working days in the popup date chooser. The color defines the background color for that day in the calendar. The last part of the property value can only be set to selectable (even though the day is defined as non-working, it can still be selected when populating fields).

This property only affects date fields or columns defined with the Calendar Function and Calendar Program settings. The non-working days are those associated with a calendar defined for a Location related to the field/column where the date is being set.

Any events listed for a calendor show as yellow when a user opens a date chooser. For example, if Sundays have been defined as events (that is, non-working days), then the date chooser would look like this:

As installed, NON-WORKING is the only event defined. If your business processes require additional types of events (for example, you want to display holidays in a different color than weekends), you can create a custom JPO:method that returns a string of dates to the date chooser. See the Java Docs for details on the Calendar Program and Calendar Function settings for a datefield or column.

Date Management
emxFramework.DateTime.DisplayFormat = MEDIUM  

  • SHORT (e.g. 12.13.52 3:30 pm). Date fields for some ENOVIA product pages contain logic that compares the date the user enters with another date. For example, the task definition pages compare the task due date with the current date. If the DisplayFormat is set to SHORT, only dates between 1950 and 2049 can be entered and compared correctly on such pages. If users need to enter dates outside of this range, choose the MEDIUM format.
  • MEDIUM (e.g., Dec 12, 1952) (default)
  • LONG (e.g., December 12, 1952)
  • FULL (e.g., Tuesday, December 12 1952 AD 3:30:42 pm PST)
Defines the length of the time/date display for all users.The actual display format is determined by the browser language setting. For example, if emxFramework.DateTime.DisplayFormat = MEDIUM on a browser set to en-us, the dates display as "Jan 12, 1952". If the browser is set to a European language, the dates display as "12 Jan 1952".
emxFramework.DateTime.DisplayTime = false  

  • true. The date display includes the time.
  • false (default). The date display does not include the time.
Defines if date displays include time values.

If no TimeZone preference is set, then the DateTime is shown in the browser's time zone. The time is shown in terms of GMT+/- hh:mm, (e.g., Saturday, August 21, 2004 12:45:00 PM GMT-04:00). To get the time in a format like EST or PDT, set the TimeZone preference to a specific zone.

The JSP can override this setting.

eServiceSuites.eMatrixDateFormat = MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a  
Must be the same format defined in MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT in the MatrixIniDefault program. By default, it is the same format. See Time String Format for a definition of the required format.
Important: Only change this property value if you changed the equivalent properties in the MatrixIniDeafults program.
Changes the Java date format the system should use to read dates from the database.

If you change the values for these properties, make sure there are no trailing spaces at the end of the format. For example, if you remove the "a" at the end of the default format, remove the space that precedes it also.

eServiceSuites.eMatrixInputDateFormat = MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a 

Must be the same format defined in either MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT or MX_TERSE_DATETIME_FORMAT. By default, it is the same format as NORMAL.

Important: Only change this property value if you changed the equivalent properties in the MatrixIniDeafults program.
Sets the value to match the eMatrixInputDateFormat property.

When the user chooses a date/time using the Calendar chooser (the standard UI mechanism for entering dates in ENOVIA products), the system converts this localized date to the format defined in this property. The system then attempts to parse the date/time using the format defined in NORMAL. If the format does not match NORMAL, the system parses the format using TERSE.

emxFramework.CalendarDisplay.YearsBefore = 2 
emxFramework.CalendarDisplay.YearsAfter = 3 
emxFramework.CalendarDisplay.CustomYears = 1995 
Defaults are shown above.

Specify the number years after the current year to be included in the Year drop-down list that is displayed when a user clicks the calendar icon. Specify any years to include in the calendar drop-down not contiguous to the currently defined years.

Defines the year list for the calendar drop-down.

This property sets the number of years before the current year to be included in the Year drop-down list that is displayed when a user clicks the calendar icon.

Default Page Title
emxFramework.Application.Name = ENOVIA 
emxFramework.Common.defaultPageTitle = ENOVIA 
Some application framesets use this property to fill in a title when not defined. Defines a page title to use for the application window (emxNavigator.jsp) if a custom JSP does not specify one.
Directory and Resource Files
eServiceSuiteFramework.Directory = common 
eServiceSuiteFramework.RootDirectory = .. 
eServiceSuiteFramework.CommonDirectory = common 
eServiceSuiteFramework.ComponentDirectory = component 
Do not change these values unless you change the directory strtucture. Defines ENOVIA Business Process Services directories.

If you change any directory structure or names, you need to update these properties.

eServiceSuiteFramework.StringResourceFileId = 
Do not change this value unless you change the name of the string resource file. Defines the ENOVIA Business Process Services string resource file.
Email Notification
emxFramework.EnableURLNotification = true 

  • true (default). Links are enabled.
  • false. Links are disabled.
Includes links in IconMail/email notifications so recipients can click the link and go right to the relevant page of the application. If the person is not logged in, the login page appears first. For more information on configuring external links to the ENOVIA product, see Supporting External Access.
emxFramework.NotificationAgent = VALID_ENOVIA_USERNAME 

The value for this property should be the username of the user the system notifications should appear to be from.

For example, suppose the properties value is set to a user called MGreene, whose Full Name is defined as Meg Greene and the email address is defined as mgreene@host.com. A system notification that a user receives in an email application would look like this:

From: Meg Greene [mailto:mgreene@host.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 4:09 PM
To: VCP User
Subject: 'Folder Created'
Business Object: Workspace Design Team 0000000004
'Folder Created' on 'Workspace' 'Design Team' '0000000004' at 04-11-2002 04:22 PM
Defines the user shown as "from" for IconMail/email notifications. The email notifications list the Full Name and Email address defined for the user. If recipients reply to the notifications, the replies are sent to this email address. Make sure the person definition specified for this agent has an appropriate Full Name and Email address.
emxFramework.NotificationLanguages = en 

Default = en (English).

Speciifes the languages system-generated notifications should be in. For details, see Internationalizing System-Generated Notifications.
Delete or comment out any language that you do not want to support. Controls which languages are listed in the System Generated Mail Preference drop-down list on the Person profile page.
Engineering Central
eServiceEngineeringCentral.emxCreatePersonBusObject= FALSE 

  • true. Creates a new user when a deleted user logs in.
  • false (default). Deleted users cannot log in.
Creates a new user when a deleted user attempts to log in.
eServiceEngineeringCentral.emxSafetyVault= eService Production 
Enter the name of the needed vault. If the previous property is TRUE, this property specifies the vault in which to create the deleted users.
Edit the relationship names as needed. Supports the ability to approve mulitple tasks at a time for ECOs, ECRs, and Parts.

In many cases, a parent object cannot be approved until all of its child objects have also been approved. For example, an ECO cannot be approved until all of the Affected Items controlled by the ECO have been approved. These properties allow users to approve the parent and all its children at the same time.

These properties list the relationship to use to determine if another object must be approved in order to approve the selected object. As an example, the first property defines that if an ECO is connected to another object (such as a Part) using the Affected Items relationship, then the user can approve both the ECO and the Part at the same time.

Edit, add, or remove properties to support the needed object types.

If you add a property for the RelatedObjects.Connections for an object type, make sure you also add the property for the RelatedObjects.ConnectionDirection for that object type.

Used by the mass approval feature, these properties define which side of the relationship that the listed type is on (to or from). For example, if and ECO is connected to a Part using the Affected Items relationship (the first prooperty above), then the ECO must be on the to side of that relationship in order for both the ECO and Part to be approved at the same time.


  • true. Turns off all export to Excel features.
  • false (default). Export to Excel is available.
Disables applications from exporting to Excel.

Not all applications refer to this property.

Set the path and file name as required. Defines the directory path to an icon to change the button that initiates an export to Excel.

The above property must be set to true for the icon to be visible in toolbars.

emxFramework.FcsEnabled = true 

  • true (default). FCS is enabled.
  • false. FCS is disabled.

You must also enable FCS as described in the System Manager Guide

Enables or disables FCS.
File Access
emxComponent.QuickFileAccess.Relationships.Default = 
Edit the from and to relationship values depending on your business requirements. Defines the comma-separated list of symbolic relationship names for quick access to files. If a table or structure browser contains a column type of File (displays the icon) and does not provide a relationship filter, this property defines the relationship to use to locate files checked into objects connected to the object. If the table or structure browser column definition includes a relationship filter, this property is not used.The File Details popup lists the files checked directly into the object or related files connected via the specified relationships.
File Management
emxFramework.UseApplet = true 

  • true. The applet is used for uploading files.
  • false (default). The applet is not used.
Enables the upload applet (allows drag-and-drop file checkin). Drag-and-drop can be used when initially creating files or uploading files; it cannot be used when updating a checked out file.
Default = 200. Sets a limit to the number of files that can be uploaded using the upload applet. If the user specifies a number of files to upload that exceeds this limit, the applet issues a warning.
emxFramework.UseDownloadApplet = false 

  • true. The download applet is enabled.
  • false (default). The download applet is disabled.
Enables the download applet (allows large-file downloads). The applet resolves a limitation that some browsers have when downloading files over 2 gigabytes. If anyone using the ENOVIA products need this functionality, this property should be set to true. When set to true, the download applet will be used for any file over 2 gigabytes.
emxFramework.ServerTimeOutInSec = 86400 
Default = 86400 seconds (24 hours). Sets the file checkin/checkout timeout length in seconds.

If files do not complete the upload or download within the number of seconds set here, the process times out.


By default, for Windows it points to an auto-install cab file; for Unix it points to a Java-plug-in download page on the Sun web site. For Windows, it is Auto-install, but for Unix (Solaris, HP, AIX) it points to download URL.

Defines the URL for downloading the Java Plug-in used to run the file upload applet if the user does not have already have version 1.4 or above.
Filter Parameter
If you want to perform such a check, enter a comma-separated list of characters. If you do not want to perform this sort of check, do not specify any value.

For example:

emxFramework.FilterParameterPattern = <script,<input,<form

Use caution when using this property. If an incorrect character is specified, it may render applications unusable.

Filters the parameters that are passed on the request to look for possible characters that a hacker would use to gain access to the database.
Help File
eServiceSuiteREGISTEREDSUITE.Help.Directory = XXXUserMap
eServiceSuiteREGISTEREDSUITE.HelpFile = emxXXXHelp.properties


  • REGISTEREDSUITE is the name of the ENOVIA product, such as EngineeringCentral or Requirements.
  • XXX is the product identifier, such as ENG for Engineering Central or RMT for Requirements Central

For example:

eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.Help.Directory = EngUserMap
eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.HelpFile = emxENGHelp.properties

Change the values for these properties to the names required by a custom help system.

You should only change these values for an existing ENOVIA product if you have created a custom help system that you want to use in place of the help system provided by ENOVIA.
Changes the location of the table of contents and the name of the lookup file for the help system for a product.
eServiceSuiteREGISTEREDSUITE.ApplicationPropertyFile = emxREGISTEREDSUITE.properties

where REGISTEREDSUITE is the name of the ENOVIA product, such as EngineeringCentral or Requirements.

For example:

ApplicationPropertyFile = emxEngineeringCentral.prop
Specifies the property file for the application.
emxFramework.IconMail.ShowSelects = true 

  • true (default). The search page for persons includes a Search In option to select a company.
  • false. The Search In option is not included in the Person search page.
Includes or remove the company Search In option when selecting persons for the To or Cc fields for an IconMail.
emxFramework.IconMail.FindSelection = My 
Company,Customers,Suppliers,Collaboration Partners 
Remove any value that you do not want to include in the Search In options. Types or names of organizations to include when using the company Search In option for IconMail.
eServiceSuiteFramework.InitializationFile = 
  Specifies the initialization file that emxNavigator.jsp loads (contains common initialization programs for all applications). If you create a custom file, the common initialization file, emxCommonAppInitialization.jsp (located in ENOVIA_INSTALL/common) and any common initialization programs should be included in this file.
  Specifies application-specific initialization files loaded by emxNavigator.jsp loads the properties. For example, for Engineering Central, the Navigator page loads emxEngineeringCentral.properties and looks for the property eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.InitializationFile. If a valid JSP is specified, it loads that file.All the property files for the installed applications will be loaded in the application scope with the alias name specified in emxSystem.properties file.

For example, for Engineering Central, the property in emxSystem.properties is:

eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.PropertyFileAlias = 

The property name of the alias is also set in "application" for every application using the same property mentioned above. For Engineering Central, it will be as below.

Alias", "emxEngineeringCentralProperties");

All applications should use the alias name defined above and should use the following method to avoid duplicate instances of the same property object in "application" scope.

propertyAlias = 
Specifies the property file alias name.

  • true. A drop-down list of languages in included on the checkin page.
  • false (default). No list of languages is provided.
Displays a Language drop-down list on all document checkin pages, including the page for checking in a new revision.

Users can use the list to specify the language the document is in. The file content language will be used by Verity during searches. This allows Verity to search documents written in multi-byte languages for multi-byte characters.

Mass Promote/Demote The mass promote and demote feature allows a user to select multiple objects on a table or structure browser page and promote or demote them all. The system evaluates each object for dependencies (such as checked in files, routes or approvals). You can explicitly add the mass promote (AEFLifecycleMassPromote) or mass demote (AEFLifecycleMassDemote) commands to any toolbar.

  • true (default). Any table or structure browser page that includes both the Type and State columns will also include the Promote and Demote buttons on the page toolbar.
  • false. Promote and demote buttons do not show on toolbars.
Enables or disables mass promote and demote.

This property can be overridden for a specific page using the massPromoteDemote URL parameter as defined in URL Parameters Accepted by emxIndentedTable.jsp.

The values of these properties can be a comma-separated list of relationships. There are no values defined for these properties out of the box. Defines the relationship used to evaluate whether 2 objects have a parent/child relationship. In many cases, a parent object cannot be promoted until all of its child objects are in a certain state.

Objects connected to the to side of one of the defined "To" relationships are treated as parent objects and objects connected to the from side are treated as child objects.

The value for this property is a comma-separated list of object types. This property is inherited by child objects of the specified administrative types.There are no values defined for this property out of the box. Specifies types that cannot be mass promoted or demoted. The exclusion only applies to the mass promote/ demote feature; objects can still be promoted from the Lifecycle category (if that is defined for the object type).
Name Format
emxFramework.FullName.Format = <Last Name>, <First Name> 

The property accepts these three sub-keys, which are all fields that are filled in when a person is added in an ENOVIA product: <First Name>, <Last Name>, and <User Name>. For example, you could change the format to <First Name> <Last Name> or <User Name>. The default format is <Last Name>, <First Name>.

Defines the format for displaying person names

ENOVIA Business Process Services includes a conversion utility that lets you populate the Full Name field if you decide to change the full name format. See Settings Supported by emxCreate.jsp for details. Additionally, ENOVIA Business Process Services includes trigger programs that run when the person's name is changed to update the Full Name field. For more information, see Automation for Persons.

The applications use the format specified here to populate the Full Name field for person administrative objects when a person is added or when a name is changed.

This is a server-wide preference setting. The value for this property should be the same as defined for MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL in the enovia.ini file: MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL=,

Allows the system to accept and use commas for decimals.

For more information on setting the decimal character for ENOVIA Live Collaboration and Oracle, see the Live Collaboration Database Installation Guide.

emxFramework.DigitSeparator = false 

  • true. Uses the comma as the thousandths separator.
  • false (default). No separator is used.

If the decimal symbol is set to comma, then the thousandths separator is a period. Otherwise, the separator is a comma.

Display a thousandths separator for currency and quantity fields (for example, 1,000).

The JSP that displays the field must make use of this property to display the separator.

Page History

Default = 50. This means that when a user visits the 51st page, that page replaces the first page visited in the list.

Defines the maximum number of pages in Page History for a user.

Default = 2000.

Defines the maximum number of records in Page History for all users.

  • true (default). A Password Verification page appears when users apply a signature for lifecycle promotion or demotion. Users must enter the password they use to log in for the signature to be applied. This is only for signatures applied using the Lifecycle and Approval pages. See Lifecycle Page. For instructions on using this verification with external authentication (Single Signon), see Configuring Approval Verification with External Authentication.
  • false. No password verification is required for promotion.
Requires a password to be entered when approving.
Enter the required URL as the value for this property. Defines a URL used for approval verification for lifecycle approvals used in a single signon environment. ee Configuring Approval Verification with External Authentication for details about this property.

  • true. Task assignees must enter their password. These approval options are available only for tasks with Approve actions.
  • false (default). No password is required for these actions.
Requires route task assignees to enter their password when choosing Approve, Reject, or Abstain for a task.

  • true (default). Users must enter their username in addition to the password for approvals.
  • false. The username is not required; the user only needs to enter their password.
Requires users to enter their username in addition to their password.
emxFramework.Routes.VerificationCount = 3 

The default value is 3. When a user reaches this limit, the system logs the user out and inactivates the user.

Specifies the number of incorrect attempts to allow when entering the username/password.
emxFramework.Routes.NotifyPeople = Test Everything 
Enter the needed username. This should be a person who can re-activate the user, if appropriate. Specifies the username to notify when a user is inactivated due to incorrect verification attempts.

When using the route task verification with external authentication, several additional setup steps are needed. Additionally, the last three properties listed above are ignored and only the EnableFDA property is used. When external authentication is used with the EnableFDA property set to true, the system requires both the user's username and password. If the user enters incorrect information, the system redisplays the username and password page. There is no verification count limit and the user is not inactivated.

Popup Window
emxFramework.PopupSize = Small,Medium,Large,SmallTall,MediumTall
Remove any values that you do not want used in your system. Typically, you do not need to change this property. Defines the available pop-up window sizes.
emxFramework.PopupSize.Large = 960x700
emxFramework.PopupSize.Medium = 812x500
emxFramework.PopupSize.Small = 412x400
emxFramework.PopupSize.SmallTall = 412x700
emxFramework.PopupSize.MediumTall = 812x700
The first value is the width; the second value is the height. The above properties show the default values for each pop-up window size. Defines the pixel width and height for pop-up windows.
emxFramework.PopupSize.Default = Medium
The default is Medium; you can change this value to any of the sizes listed
  • Large
  • Medium
  • Small
  • SamllTall
  • MediumTall
Defines which pop-up window size is the default.

You can use the Popup Size setting for a form to use a different size window than the default; that setting supports the same sizes listed here.

Processing Message
mxFramework.Dialog.ProcessingText = false 

  • true. The processing text is displayed.
  • false (default). The text is not displayed.
Shows the processing text beside the spinning clock in the dialog pages.
Special Characters The following properties define the characters that should not be used in fields. Some applications accept some of the special characters listed by default in these properties. These characters can be removed from the properties to allow users to enter them. For a list of the special characters accepted by a particular application, see the Administrator's Guide for that application.
emxFramework.Javascript.BadChars =  < > \ [ ] | 
  Defines characters that cannot be used in description, note and other text fields.
emxFramework.Javascript.NameBadChars =  " # $ @ % , * ? \ < > [ ] | 
  Defines characters that cannot be used in name fields.
emxFramework.Javascript.BadCharsForCheckinDesc =  < > \ [ ] | 
By default, this property does not specify any characters. Defines characters that cannot be used in check-in description fields.
emxFramework.Javascript.FileNameBadChars = ' # $ @ & % 
If you remove a defined character, keep in mind that the operating system may not permit that character to be used as a file name. Defines characters that cannot be used in file name fields.
  The following properties support input filtering to prevent bad characters (characters that could be used for malicious purposes) from being stored in the database.
Add any characters you want to filter from being stored in the database (characters that could cause security problems). Use a pipe | to separate the characters for this property. For example: emxFramework.InputFilter.BadChars = <|>|"|'|%|;|)|(|- The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) recommends to filter out these characters (pipe-separated list):

ENOVIA cannot filter out the & and + symbols because they are used for specific functions.


Add a pipe-separated list of regular expressions to be filtered from being stored in the database.

This regular expression specifies the <script> and </script> tags, which is a high risk security issue:

If you enable input filtering in web.xml, you should add the above value to this property.

This property prevents bad regular expressions from being stored in the database.
emxFramework.InputFilter.ExcludeParameters = treeLabel|contentURL|url
  Default shown. You should not remove any parameters from this property; add any needed parameters (separate parameters with the | symbol). Several properties require the use of characters that are normally considered "bad". This property allows you to list the parameters you want to exclude from input filtering on bad characters.
emxFramework.spellchecker.URL = 
Default value is blank. Follow the instructions in the Live Collaboraton - BPS Installation Guide to update the web.xml file, then set the value of this property to:


Launches the spell checker window.
Start Page and Display
emxFramework.Toolbar.MaximumLength = 15 
Default = 15. Defines the maximum number of characters to display in toolbar labels.
emxFramework.PowerView.Channel.Label.MaximumLength = 17
Default = 17. Defines the maximum number of characters to display in a PowerView channel tab label.
eServiceSuiteFramework.URL = common/emxNavigator.jsp 
It should be emxNavigator.jsp, prefixed with the directory under enovia. Specifies the dynamic user interface page called when a user chooses an application based on the dynamic user interface. You can configure how the Navigator page looks when a user logs in by appending parameters to the JSP. For information, see Configuring the Main Navigator Page.
emxNavigator.Home.ContentPage = emxNavigatorDefaultContentPage.jsp 
  Defines the page that appears when a user first logs in. For more details on the default behavior of the Navigator page, see Configuring the Main Navigator Page.
Trigger Validation A trigger validation report evaluates objects selected for promotion, and provides a detailed message to the user if a trigger fired by that promote action would cause the promote to fail, such as not having the proper signatures. The properties in this task control how this report works.

In addition, you can configure this feature to include related objects in the report. For example, an ECO might not be able to be promoted because a part is not in the required lifecycle state. Based on the policy governing the object to be promoted and its current state, you define which relationships to follow to locate related objects to include in the validation report.

These properties have no value when installed; you must define a value if you want to implement this functionality.

emxFramework.PromoteTrigger.Validation.To.Rels.<symbolic name of 
policy>.<symbolic name of current state> 

For example:

Configures the "To" relationships for promote trigger validation.
emxFramework.PromoteTrigger.Validation.From.Rels.<symbolic name of 
policy>.<symbolic name of current state> 

For example:

Configures the "From" relationships for promote trigger validation.
Type Ahead

  • true (default). Type ahead functionality is enabled.
  • false. All type ahead functionality is disabled, including any JPOs configured for any chooser fields.
Enables or disables type-ahead for all webforms, tables, and users.

  • true (default). JPOs configured for chooser fields are executed.
  • false. No JPOs for any chooser fields will be run, even if configured at the field level.
Enables or disables JPOs configured for form fields to retrieve chooser values from the databaseThis property is used by custom JPOs only; it is not used if pre-defined choosers or emxFullSearch.jsp is used to enable type ahead for a field or column.

When using a JPO and method to retrieve possible values, the pop-up box initially shows the recent entries by the user. When the recent entries do not match what the user types and the specified number of characters has been entered, the JPO retrieves matching values from the server.

The recent values are stored in the Revision field of a cue object in that user's context.


The property value can be overridden by the TypeAhead Character Count field setting. If data values for the field typically start with a prefix, this value can be set larger than the size of the prefix so that the JPO retrieves a smaller data set.

Defines how many characters must be typed prior to invoking the JPO:method, pre-defined choosers, or emxFullSearch.jsp returns a list of suggested values.
Default = 10. This value can be overridden by the TypeAhead Saved Values Limit field setting. Defines how many values are saved per person, per form field.
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.TypeAhead.Suggestion.Limit = 50 

The default value is 50. If more than 50 objects match the text entered by the user, More... shows, and the user can continue to type characters to narrow down the suggestions list.

Limits the number of suggested values presented to the user when emxFullSearch.jsp is used for type ahead.

This property does not affect the pre-defined Person, Organization, or Type choosers, or if a custom JPO is used to implement the type ahead feature on a field.

URL Copy Tool

  • true (default). The shows on all toolbars for all components in all ENOVIA applications.
  • false. the is not included on any toolbars.
Specifies that the configurable components in applications include in the toolbar. This tool allows the user to quickly copy the URL for that specific page so it can be pasted in another application, such as an email message.

This property can be overridden for a specific form, table, structure browser, or other configurable component using the showPageURLIcon URL parameter. See URL Parameters.

See Copying the URL for the Page for instructions on using .

UI Cache
emxNavigator.UICache.ComponentAge = 3600 

Default = 3600 seconds ( 1 hour)

Sets the expiration time for objects in the UI cache. All dynamic user interface components, such as menu, command, table, and inquiry objects, are loaded into the UI cache in application scope when the application pages/programs request the data. The cache is dynamic based on the ComponentAge property.

The cached data for any given administrative object or trigger information expires based on this pre-set amount of time (ComponentAge). Once expired, the next request for that specific data is dynamically obtained/cached fresh from the database and the cache life is reset for that object.

Separate each extension in the list with a comma and no space. Defines which file extensions should open in a registered viewer.

If a user attempts to view a file whose extension is not in this list, the system does not attempt to open the file in a viewer, even if a viewer has been registered and installed. Instead, the system handles the file as it does any standard file for the application you are in. The standard view behavior for applications is to attempt to open the file in the browser and if the browser does not recognize the extension then it prompts the user to save the file.

emxFramework.FormatsWithViewerPreference = format_JT 

For example, if you want users to choose preferred viewers for JT and ACAD files, set this property to format_JT, format_ACAD. See Setting Up 2D and 3D Viewers for more details.

Requires users to choose their preferred viewer for a format.

When a user chooses to view a file with a format assigned to a 2D/3D viewer, the system first looks for a preferred viewer specified in the person's profile. Each user can specify the preferred viewer for a format or the administrator can specify it. If the system finds a preferred viewer for the format, it opens the file using that viewer. If it does not find one, the system does not launch any viewer.

Based on this property, the applications dynamically add fields to the Person profile pages. The system constructs the labels for the fields by appending "Viewer Preference" (from the ViewerPreferenceLabel string resource tag) to the format name (resolved from the symbolic name).

<FormatSymbolicName> <ViewerPreferenceLabelTag>

For example, when the FormatsWithViewerPreference property is set to format_JT, the system adds a JT Viewer Preference field to the Person profile pages.

The system populates the preference fields by listing every viewer assigned to the format (done using the Viewer Registration wizard). If a tip has been defined for the viewer, the tip text is used to represent the viewer in the drop-down list. If there is no tip text, the name of the program object for the viewer servlet is used.

emxFramework.Viewer.ServletPreFix= /WEBAPPNAME/servlet/ 
Edit the path as needed. Defines the prefix for all viewer URLs so all viewers can be registered the same.