Specify the group name within the appropriate emxFrameworkStringResource.properties file for the Web browser language or languages in use.
The naming convention for all internationalized versions of the StringResource files is emxAPPLICATION_NAMEStringResource_LANGUAGE.properties, where LANGUAGE is the standard abbreviation for the language, such as fr for French or de for German, in lowercase.
For example, the following shows how to add a group named "ENOVIA Collaboration" for use with a browser configured to use the English language:
Open the emxFrameworkStringResource_en.properties file, located in Apps/Framework/VERSION/UserInterface.
Locate the section entitled "Group Properties."
Append the following line to the last entry in this section:
emxFramework.Group.MatrixOne_PLM=ENOVIA Collaboration
Save and exit this file.
Redeploy the application if an exploded .war file is not being used.