Column Values as Check Boxes

There are a couple of ways to configure a column of check boxes.

  • Pass in the parameter selection=multiple to emxTable.jsp to add a small column of check boxes on the left side of the table page. There is no access control for these check boxes so they are enabled for all users. For more information on the selection parameter, see URL Parameters Accepted by emxTable.jsp and emxTableEdit.jsp.

    This parameter takes precedence over any check box column added to the table administrative object (using Column Type=checkbox). So you pass selection=multiple to emxTable.jsp, any check box column added to the table is not used. To use a check box column added to the table object, pass selection=none to the emxTable.jsp.

  • Add a column with the setting Column Type=checkbox. For this type of column, the column value is a check box that is disabled or enabled based on specific business logic or based on the roles assigned access to the column.

If access is business logic based, and not role-based, the business logic to decide the access for every row is implemented in a JPO. The program and function settings must also be defined for this option.

The JPO is written in the same way as described in Column Values as Program Output. The only difference is that the method must return Vector containing the strings either true or false. If the value of Vector elements contains true, the column cell displays with an active check box and if false, the column cell displays with a grayed check box.