The table and one of program or inquiry are required parameters for editable tables. When the editable table page is launched through a view table, the editable table gets these parameters internally. You can display the editable table page directly by calling emxTableEdit.jsp and passing the required URL parameters table and one of program or inquiry and optional parameters listed in URL Parameters Accepted by emxTable.jsp and emxTableEdit.jsp. You can directly invoke the editable table to show in any frame or in a separate pop-up dialog. If it displays in any frame other than in a pop-up dialog, the Cancel button does not display. When the user clicks the Done button, the editable table page refreshes. The following shows a sample URL used to directly invoke an editable table: ${COMMON_DIR}/emxTableEdit.jsp?HelpMarker=emxhelpresourceusageedit &program=emxFixedResource:getAllFixedResourcesForEditAll&table=FTRFixedResourceList &timeStamp=null&header=Edit:Resource Rule |