Examples of Dynamic Expand Inquiries

You can create the required inquiry administrative object using MQL scripts or Business Modeler. Examples for creating the inquiry by MQL are shown below.

For a description of the parameters available for inquiry objects, see Parameters for Table Objects.

The following examples are provided:

Inquiry Example: TMCFolders


# Create the inquiry object for Folder List.
add inquiry TMCFolders 
code "expand bus \"${ID}\" from relationship \"${WS_VAULT}\" 
select bus id dump | 
where '( (owner == \"${USER}\") || (current.access[read] == 
    argument WS_VAULT relationship_ProjectVaults
    pattern *|*|*|*|*|*|${ OID }
    format ${OID}

Inquiry Example: ENCPartList

# Create the inquiry object for Part List Table.
add inquiry ENCPartList 
    code "temp query bus ${PART} * * select id dump |"
    argument PART type_Part
    pattern *|*|*|${OID}
    format ${OID}

Inquiry Example: ENCBOMList

This example, ENCBOMList, uses ${ID} as a macro but this is not same as the Runtime Program Environment (RPE) variable ${OID}. This ${ID} macro gets substituted at run time, if there is a valid object Id available to emxTree.jsp.

# Create the inquiry object for BOM Table for a specific Part
add inquiry ENCBOMList
code "expand bus '${ID}' from relationship '${EBOM_REL}' terse 
select relationship id dump |"
    argument EBOM_REL relationship_EBOM
    argument ID dummy
    pattern *|*|*|*|*|*|${BUSID}|${RELID}
    format ${RELID}~${BUSID}