Parameters for Table Objects

This table describes the available parameters for table objects. Except for the table name, a table object is a set of column definitions so these parameters apply to columns within a table.

For specific instructions on how to create table objects using Business Modeler or MQL, refer to the Business Modeler Guide or MQL Guide.

Parameter Description Accepted Values/Examples


(user MQL command)

The persons, roles, and groups who can access the column. When you assign a role or group, all child roles/groups also receive access. To make the column available to all users, regardless of role/group assignments, choose All.

Note that if no users are assigned access, the system assumes all users have access.

Names of group, role, person administrative objects.


All (default)


Applicable for table columns only when the column type is set to Icon.

Name of what the icon represents.

Applies To

What the select expression applies to: Business object or relationship. Applying an expression to a relationship gets a table of objects related to a known object. For example, getting all EBOMs for a part.

Business Object



The select expression to get the column data. This expression is applied to either the relationship or business object, as specified in the Applies To options.

Note that the Expression and Applies to options in Business are equivalent to the businessobject and relationship MQL commands.

For more information on specifying column data using an expression, see Column Values as Select Expressions.

For business objects:




For relationships:




(label MQL command)

The text to display as the column header.

Either a string resource ID for the text string or the actual text string that should appear. To internationalize the text, you must use a string resource ID. See Internationalizing Dynamic UI Components.

The system first looks for a string resource ID that matches the entered value. If it finds one, it uses the value for the ID. If it doesn't find one, it displays the entered text.





Hides or shows a column. If a column is hidden (true), it does not show up in the default system table for an object type.


false (default)


The URL that gets executed when the column data is clicked. When a user clicks the hyperlinked column data, the system passes the objectId parameter as part of the URL. By default, the value for the objectId parameter is the ID of the business object for the current row. Using the Alternate OID expression setting, you can configure the field to pass the ID for a different business object.

The value for the href parameter should be a JSP and any associated parameters. You can specify the path of the JSP using any of the standard directory macros or you can leave off the path designation to use the registered directory. For more information, see Macros and Expressions in UI Components.




The name of the column used as identifier for the column within the table object.




Name (of table)

Name of the table administrative object. Use the actual table name; you cannot use symbolic names for this parameter. For naming conventions, see Naming Conventions.



(range MQL command)

When configuring a table column in Business Modeler, the RangeHREF parameter is set on the Link tab.

Use to configure a textbox that has a Browse (...) button that calls a chooser or custom window from which users can select a value to populate the textbox. This Owner textbox is an example with a range helper.

In the RangeHref parameter, specify the href URL to display the window. For example, the href might call a custom selection page.

Range helpers are used for table pages only in Edit mode. The only control that can be configured with a range helper is textbox. To specify the control type, set Input Type=textbox.

To see an example of a field configured with a RangeHref, see Field with Popup Range Helper. Also see Implementing Range Helpers for Choosers or Custom Pages.

You can specify the path of the JSP using any of the standard directory macros or you can leave off the path designation to use the registered directory. For more information, see Macros and Expressions in UI Components. For example:



Additional settings that define the behavior and appearance of the column. See Settings for Table Column Objects.

Name/value pairs.


Defines how the column values should be sorted.

This parameter currently is not available in Business Modeler and can only be set and modified using the sorttype command in MQL. For example:

add table TestTable1 system
        name Type
        label emxEngineeringCentral.Part.Type
        user all
        businessobject type
        setting "Registered Suite" 
        sorttype numeric

numeric--Sorts the column values numerically.

alpha (Default)--Sorts the column values alphabetically.

other--Sorts the column values using a custom algorithm defined as a JPO and specified in the Sort Program setting for the column, or uses settings defined in Sort Type.