Arguments |
The arguments replace the macros within the
code. The symbolic names are translated into the actual name during substitution. ID
is a reserved keyword for the inquiry objects used with the configurable
table components. If the macro ${ID} is used in the code section, the
argument ID must be assigned to any dummy value. This value is replaced
by the request parameter "objectId" at run time. |
PART=type_Part EBOM_REL=relationship_EBOM ID
= dummy |
Code |
The code section determines the output object
list for a specific business requirement. The code is generally an MQL
temp query or expand bus command that selects the found objects' ids. At
runtime, the system substitutes the macro ${ID} with the business object
id. This object Id is available to emxTable.jsp, passed in from the tree
node or any other commands that operate based on a specific business
object. For example, typically when emxTable.jsp is called from a tree,
the "objectId" parameter is passed with the specific OID assigned to
the current tree node and that OID will get substituted with ${ID} at
run time. Note that this ${ID} is not same as the RPE variable
${OID}. All the administrative types like Type names (Part, Buyer
Desk), attribute names, relationship names must be defined as macros
and each macro will be assigned with its symbolic name in the arguments
list. All other macros (like ${PART}, ${EBOM_REL}) defined within
the code are to be assigned to the appropriate symbolic names in the
Argument, if required. The macros are evaluated at run time by converting
the symbolic name to actual name. |
temp query bus ${PART} * * select id dump | expand
bus ${ID} from relationship ${EBOM_REL} select businessobject id select
relationship id dump | |
Format |
The format determines how to reformat the line
before printing the output. |
If the table column is defined based on a list
of business object IDs, the format must be a list of business object
IDs separated by a new line. The format value should be ${OID} and an
example output is: 12333.3453.56765.3443 12533.3453.56765.3453 12633.3453.56765.3943 ? If
the table column is defined based on business object and relationship
IDs, the format must be a list of business object and relationship ID
pairs, separated by the new line character. In each pair, the relationship
ID comes first and is separated by the business object ID by a ~. The
format value should be ${RELID}~${OID} and an example output is: 9089.34345.56567.21312~12333.3453.56765.3443 4564.3445.567.7868~12533.3453.56765.3453 6465.2342.4566.3212~12633.3453.56765.3943 ? |
Pattern |
Indicates the expected pattern of the results
of the evaluated code and shows how the output should be parsed. It sets
the desired field to an Runtime Program Environment (RPE) variable or
macro. The pattern is applied to each line of output from the code. |
*|*|*|${OID} for a list of business object IDs *|*|*|*|*|*|${OID}|${RELID}
for a list of business object and relationship ID pairs |
Test |
Use the Test tab to determine if the inquiry
will parse the output as you have designed the JSP to expect to receive
it. To test the expression entered on the Code tab, click Evaluate. The
output displays on the tab. If runtime arguments are needed, enter them
in the Input box. If no input is provided, the system uses the arguments
entered on the Arguments tab. Note that you cannot use the Test
tab if there are symbolic names in the code. For testing purposes, you
can substitute the symbolic names in the code with actual names and then
click on Evaluate. If the inquiry is an expand query, you must
substitute ${ID} with the actual objectId (for testing only). |
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