General |
id |
Vault/object ID in the form aaaa.bbbb.cccc.dddd. |
Value string |
physicalid |
UUID specific to this object. |
UUID string |
versionid |
UUID shared by all objects related by revise, revisemajor, or reviseminor. |
UUID string |
logicalid |
UUID shared by all objects related by revise, revisemajor, or reviseminor PLUS copy with logicalid. |
UUID string |
Revision Selectables |
revision |
Complete revision string of THIS object. |
Revision string |
revisions |
Revision strings for all objects in this minor revision family. Supports subselections. |
Revision strings |
revindex |
0-based minororder value. |
Integer |
previous |
Revision string for the previous object in this minor revision family. Supports subselections. |
Revision string |
next |
Revision string for the next object in this minor revision family. Supports subselections. |
Revision string |
first |
Revision string for the first object in this minor revision family. Supports subselections. |
Revision string |
last |
Revision string for the last object in this minor revision family. Supports subselections. |
Revision string |
latest |
TRUE if no successor in this minor revision family has the same current state. FALSE otherwise. |
Boolean value |
previous and next are the only selectables that continue to use the pre-V6R2012x pointers stored in Ixbo. As a result, pre-V6R2012x functionality is preserved for revision sequences that are either ONLY minor (the default) or ONLY major, since these sequences are strictly linear in both cases. Starting in V6R2012x, the previous pointer is set for any object created with the Revise Major or Revise Minor command to point to the object from which it was created. The next pointer is set only for the Revise Minor command, but not for the Revise Major command. In V6R2012x, the meaning of the previous and next pointers has changed such that:
- previous is equivalent to "revised from." Within a minor sequence this is still linear, but the first minor object may have a previous pointer back to something in an earlier family. This provides the "created from" pointer.
- As the next pointer is updated only by the Revise Minor command, there is only one and it points to the next object in the same minor revision family (or NULL).
- For object deletions, the previous/next pointers continue to be processed the same as prior to V6R2012x. When an object B is deleted, if it has a previous object A, the next pointer of object A is reset to the next pointer of object B. If B has a next object C, then C's previous pointer is reset to the previous pointer of object B. This maintains the meaning of previous/next as described in the first two bullets.
Minor Revision Selectables |
minorrevision |
Minor revision string of this object. |
Revision string |
minorrevisions |
Minor revision strings for all objects in this minor revision family. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision strings |
minororder |
0-based integer specifying the order of this object in its minor revision family. |
Integer |
previousminor |
Previous revision string. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
nextminor |
Next revision string. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
firstminor |
Revision string for the first object in the minor revision family. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
lastminor |
Revision string of the last object in the minor revision family. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
ispublished |
TRUE if THIS object has been marked published. FALSE otherwise. |
Boolean value |
lastpublished |
Revision string of the last object in the minor revision family with ispublished=TRUE. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
isbestsofar |
TRUE if (THIS is the last object in its minor revision family with ispublished=TRUE) OR (there are no published objects in the minor revision family and THIS is the last object in the family). FALSE otherwise. |
Boolean value |
bestsofar |
Revision string of the object in the minor revision family with isbestsofar=TRUE. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
Major Revision Selectables |
majorrevision |
Major revision string (shared by all objects in the minor revision family). |
Revision string |
majororder |
0-based integer specifying the order of this major revision in the sequence of major revisions. |
Integer |
majorid |
UUID of the object's major revision (minor family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
UUID string |
versionid |
UUID of the object's version family. |
UUID string |
previousmajorid |
majorid for the previous major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
UUID string |
nextmajorid |
majorid for the next major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
UUID string |
firstmajorid |
majorid for the first major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
UUID string |
lastmajorid |
majorid for the last major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
UUID string |
Majorid Subselections |
majorid.revision |
Major revision string corresponding to this majorid. |
Revision string |
majorid.order |
0-based integer specifying the order of this major revision in the sequence of major revisions. |
Integer |
majorid.lastpublished |
Revision string of the last object in the major revision (minor revision family) with ispublished=TRUE. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
majorid.bestsofar |
Revision string of the object in the major revision (minor revision family) with isbestsofar=TRUE. Supports businessobject subselections. |
Revision string |
majorid.previous |
majorid for the previous major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
Revision string | |
majorid for the next major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
Revision string |
majorid.first |
majorid for the first major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
Revision string |
majorid.last |
majorid for the last major revision (minor revision family). Supports majorid-subselects. |
Revision string |