Selectable Fields for Policy

This section lists the selectable fields for policy objects.

Selectable Fields for Policy
Field Description Output
allstate Allstate access rule

Returns TRUE/FALSE indicating whether the policy has an allstate access definition.

defaultformat.* The default Format definition

name of default Format

delimiter The sequence delimiter, in support of major/minor revisioning

Note: See also Selectable Fields for Revisions.

Major/minor sequence delimiter character (e.g., '-')

description The policy name


format[].* Format definitions allowed

Allow Format names (see Selectable Fields for Formats)

hidden Is this policy defined as hidden?


id Policy identifier


islockingenforced Is checkin allowed only if the object is locked?

True, if enforced locking is turned on; False if not.

majorsequence The major revision sequence, in support of major/minor revisioning

Note: See also Selectable Fields for Revisions.

Major sequence string (e.g., A,B,C,...)

minorsequence The minor revision sequence, in support of major/minor revisioning

Note: See also Selectable Fields for Revisions.

Minor sequence string (e.g., 1,2,3,...)

modified The time and date the administration object was modified


modified.generic Time and date in generic format (independent of the MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT and MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL settings chosen by an Administrator) the administration object was modified


name The policy name


object[ ] a corresponding business object

Returns a business object where the type matches the string in [ ] and the name is the same as the policy's name. If no string is given, the object type is policy, with case ignored. In a case sensitive environment if more than 1 type meets that criteria (such as both a Person type and a PERSON type), OR if there are more than 1 object with the same type and name that are not in the same revision chain, the object with the latest originated date is returned. When objects with same type and name are in the same revision chain, the latest revision is returned.

originated The time and date the administration object was created


originated.generic Time and date in generic format (independent of the MX_NORMAL_DATETIME_FORMAT and MX_DECIMAL_SYMBOL settings chosen by an Administrator) the administration object was created


property[].* The associated properties

If property[ ] is specified, returns property names and values. If blank, returns all property names and values.

revision The revision sequence of the policy

Note: In V6R2012x and later, revision is synonymous with minorrevision.


state[].* The states used in the lifecycle of the policy

Returns state names from lifecycle

state.access[] Accesses for defined users

Returns a list of states that have user accesses defined and the permissions granted to the user. For example:

state[Planned].access[Product Planner] = all

Only states that have user accesses defined are listed. Use state.owneraccess or state.publicaccess for other accesses.

state.action The program

Program name

state.autopromote Can be autopromoted?


state.check The program

Program name

state.checkouthistory Is checkout history enabled?


state.filter[].* Is the signature requirement satisfied?

True/False The state identifier


state.login[USER_NAME|KEY] The access rules defined for user with login Returns the access privileges for the user with the specified login USER_NAME or KEY. Accesses for public use


state.notify The notify message


state.owner[KEY] The access rules defined for owner Returns the access privileges for the owner with the specified KEY.
state.owneraccess Accesses for owner user

Returns a string of all permissions (with comma separator)

state.public[KEY] The access rules defined for public objects Returns the access privileges for public objects with the specified KEY.
state.publicaccess Accesses for public use

Returns a string of all permissions (with comma separator)

state.published Whether or not the published flag is set

Note: See "Published States" in the Studio Modeling Platform MQL Guide, Chapter 5, Working with Metadata, section Policies, Determining Policy States.


state.minorrevisionable Is revisionable?


state.route The person/group to reassign

User name

state.signature[].* ?

If signature name is specified, the signer name is returned. Otherwise, lists all signatures.

state.signature.approve[].* User (person, group, or role)

see Selectable Fields for Person, Selectable Fields for Groups, Selectable Fields for Role

state.signature.hasapprove Does the current context user has authorization to approve?


state.signature.hasignore Does the current context user has authorization to ignore?


state.signature.hasreject Does the current context user has authorization to reject?


state.signature.ignore[].* User (person, group, or role)

see Selectable Fields for Person, Selectable Fields for Groups, Selectable Fields for Role Signature object

Signature name

state.signature.reject[].* User (person, group, or role)

see Selectable Fields for Person, Selectable Fields for Groups, Selectable Fields for Role

state[].trigger[] Any trigger configured for the policy state

Returns list of triggers in this format:


Include a program name in square brackets to check for the existence of that program: TRUE/FALSE will be returned to indicate if that program is or is not configured as a trigger. If you do not include a PROGRAM_NAME, all triggers are listed.

state.user[USER_NAME|KEY] The access rules defined for the user Returns the access privileges for the user with the specified USER_NAME or KEY.
state.versionable Is versionable?


store.* The store specified by policy

Returns Store name (see Selectable Fields for Store)

type[].* The types governed by the policy

Allows type names (see Selectable Fields for Type)


As KEY may include wildcards, a KEY of '*' selects all access items for owner, public, or the named user. Once the targeted user has been selected, the following fields are available:

organization Returns "any", "single", "ancestor", or "related", depending on which option was selected.
project Returns "any", "single", "ancestor", or "related", depending on which option was selected.
access Returns the user's access mask.
filter Returns the user's filter expression.
revoke Returns TRUE if the access item denies access, FALSE if it grants access.
key Returns the user-assigned identifier string for this access item.