actionMenuName |
The name of the menu. |
Name of any menu object that represents
a menu. The framework installs with a command object called AEFLifecycleMenu
that includes a Promote and Demote link. |
emxLifecycle.jsp |
appendColumns |
The name of the table that contains
defined columns that you want to include in the table being defined. |
emxTable.jsp, emxTableEdit.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp |
appendFields |
The name of the web form that contains
defined fields that you want to include in the form being defined. |
emxForm.jsp, emxCreate.jsp |
AppendParameters |
Passes common parameters to the
tree categories in the tree. To use the parameter, set it to tree and
then include the parameters to pass. Parameters added to emxTree.jsp
that are not with AppendParameters are passed only to the root tree node
and not to categories. You can also use the Tree Scope ID setting
for the tree menu object to pass the current tree's object ID to all
categories and subtrees. |
To make Param1 and Param2 available
to the children categories: <a href="../common/emxTree.jsp?objectId=<%=sPartId%>&mode=insert&jsTreeID=<%=
jsTreeID %>&AppendParameters=true&Param1=Value1&Param2=Value2"
class="object" target="content"><%=sPartName%></a> To
make ProjectId and Workspace available to the tree categories: <a
class="object" target="content"><%=sPartName%></a> To
make ProjectId and Workspace available only to the root tree node and
not to the tree categories: <a href="../common/emxTree.jsp?objectId=<%=sPartId%>&mode=insert&jsTreeID=<%=
jsTreeID %>&&ProjectId=<%=sProjId%>&Workspace=<%=sWorkspace%>"
class="object" target="content"><%=sPartName%></a> |
emxTree.jsp |
applyURL |
Specifies the URL string to be submitted when
a user clicks the Apply button after making changes to the structure
browser in edit mode. This parameter can also specify custom apply functionality as described in Customizing the Apply Action. |
javascript:methodName |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
autoFilter |
Determines whether the filter tool displays in the toolbar, and overrides the Auto Filter
setting on a table or structure browser column. |
true (default)--The Filter tool
displays in the page toolbar. false--The Filer tool does not display
in the page toolbar. |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
buffer |
This parameter overrides the emxFramework.FrezePane.Buffer=true system property defined in The default for this URL property is true: the structure browser starts to cache the data for all rows as the structure browser opens.a If you change the value to false, the structure browser does not automatically buffer the data when the page initially loads. It does, however, buffer the data when the user selects the vertical scroll bar. For large structures, buffer=true can take more time to fetch and render the complete structure. The percentage of buffering displays next to the object count during the buffering process. |
true (default) false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
calculations |
Controls the display of the toolbar button. When true, this icon only displays on
the toolbar if the structure browser/table contains at least one column defined
as numeric. |
true--Sigma icon shows if the structure
browser contains at least 1 numeric column (default for tables) false--Sigma
icon does not show on the toolbar (default for structure browser) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp, emxTable.jsp |
callbackFunction |
Optional. The name of the function
invoked when a user clicks the Submit button on the search form. The
emx{Suite}.FullText.CallbackInclude property in
defines the name of the file that includes this function (where Suite
is the application name). |
<string> |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
CancelButton |
Displays the Cancel link in the
table footer frame. When a user clicks Cancel, the whole browser window
gets closed. So the Cancel link can only be used for a table page that
is opened in new window. The label for the Cancel link can be configured
using the CancelLabel parameter. If CancelLabel is not passed in, the
default label "Cancel" is used. |
true--Shows the Cancel link. Use
only for tables displayed in popup windows. false (Default)--Does
not show the link. |
emxTable.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
CancelLabel |
Defines the label for the Cancel
link, if you want something other than "Cancel". |
Any static text or string resource
id. CancelLabel=emxEngineeringCentral.Common.Cancel |
emxTable.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp,
emxFullSearch.jsp |
cancelProcessJPO |
The JPO to use when a user clicks
the Cancel or close window button on a table or form component. |
<JPOName>:<MethodName> |
emxTableEdit.jsp emxFormEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
cancelProcessURL |
The JSP called when a user clicks
the Cancel button or closes the table or form page. Specify the JSP name
using the macro for the page location, or use the relative path as listed
in the examples. |
${SUITE_DIR}/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp or ..<ApplicationDirectory>/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp Example:
../engineeringcentral/emxCustomCancelProcess.jsp |
emxTableEdit.jsp emxFormEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
cellDirection |
Defines the relationship direction to traverse. Required when cellRelationship is used. |
from to |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellIdDirection |
Defines the relationship direction to traverse. |
from to |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellLabel |
Defines the value of the column cell representing the intersection of the expanded row to the column object. The value must be an attribute or selectable. If not defined, the cell is marked with an X to indicate intersection. |
Assignee Role Percent+Allocation |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellLabelType |
Defines the type for the cellLabel. |
RelAttr the cellLabel is an attribute on the relationship. TypeAttr the cellLabel is an attribute on the business object. RelBasic the cellLabel is a basic selectable on the relationship. Basic the cellLabel is a basic selectable or the business object. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellIdRelationship |
Defines the rel-to-rel relationship when the cell value is connected to the relationship between the row and column. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellRangeJPO |
Can be used to identify the cell range values in edit mode. This is standard structure browser functionality and the input/output should be based on the structure browser's definition and requirements. |
JPO:method |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellRelationship |
Defines the relationship used to traverse the row data to intersect with the column objects. The data from this relationship becomes the columns unless colRelationship is specified. You can provide a comma-separated (no space) list of relationships. |
Assigned Tasks |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellRelationshipStyle |
Used to specify the style defined in the CSS for cell coloring and formatting based on the relationship type. If the relationship specified by this parameter matches the cell relationship, then the style defined is used. Specified as: Relationship|Display|Style The specified Relationship must be one of the relationships specified by the cellRelationship parameter. Instead of a style, you can replace the cell value with a specified value. You can provide a comma-separated list of multiple value sets to define the style for different possible cell values. The Style can be a pre-defined style in the Indented Table CSS, or the style definition can be provided here. |
EBOM|XX|Green|MBOM|ZZ|Blue |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellUpdateJPO |
Can be used to modify cell entries in edit mode. |
JPO:method |
emxGridTable.jsp |
cellValueStyle |
Used to specify the style defined in the CSS for cell coloring and formatting based on the cell value. If the cell value matches the Value in the parameter value, then the indicated style is used. Specified as: Value|Short Value|Style For example, in the sample shown, if the cell value is Optional, then the cell is shown in Yellow. Instead of a style, you can replace the cell value with a specified value. You can provide a comma-separated list of multiple value sets to define the style for different possible cell values. The Style can be a pre-defined style in the Indented Table CSS, or the style definition can be provided here. |
Standard|S|Green|Optional|O|Yellow Standard|S| background-color: lightgreen; text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; |
emxGridTable.jsp |
chart |
Specifies whether the chart options
icon is shown in the table toolbar. |
true (default)--Show the chart
options icon in the table toolbar if the table has one or more numerical
columns. No icon is shown if the table does not have any numerical columns. false--Do
not show the chart options icon in the table toolbar, even if the table
has numerical columns. |
emxTable.jsp |
chartType |
The type of the chart to be drawn. |
BarChart StackBarChart PieChart LineChart
emxChart.jsp |
chartTitle |
The title for the chart. |
emxChart.jsp |
colDirection |
Defines the relationship direction to traverse for the column objects. Required when colRelationship is used. |
from to |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colGroup |
Specifies the column group header. The value must be an attribute or selectable. |
Project Members |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colGroupType |
Defines the label type for the group header (the source of the field). The label can be hard coded or specified as a string resource. |
RelAttr the colGroup is an attribute on the relationship. TypeAttr the colGroup is an attribute on the business object. RelBasic the colGroup is a basic selectable on the relationship. Basic the colGroup is a basic selectable or the business object. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colHyperlinkTreeCategory |
Adds a hyperlink to the column object for launching the tree browser for that object. You can specify a Category for the object, or the word Default (indicating the object's default category). |
Default Category Name |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colJPO |
Can be used instead of URL parameters to identify column values. The JPO must return a MapList of column objects. |
JPO:method |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colLabel |
Specifies the label for the column header. By default, the object Name is used. The value must be an attribute or selectable. If you use this parameter, you must also specify the colLabelType parametr. |
name revision |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colLabelType |
Defines the label type for the column header (the source of the field). Required when colLabel is specified. |
RelAttr the colLabel is an attribute on the relationship. TypeAttr the colLabel is an attribute on the business object. RelBasic the colLabel is a basic selectable on the relationship. Basic the colLabel is a basic selectable or the business object. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colRelationship |
Defines the relationship used to traverse the root objects to determine the column objects. You can provide a comma-separated list (no spaces) of relationships. If not specified, the column objects will be based on the cell objects defined by cellRelationship. |
Division Member |
emxGridTable.jsp |
colType |
Defines the business object types that are valid for column objects. You can provide a comma-separated list (no spaces) of types. This parameters filers the column objects based on types. |
Business Unit Business Unit,Department |
emxGridTable.jsp |
CommandName |
Use along with the MenuName parameter
to define the page that should be displayed in the Content frame of the
Navigator page when users log in. The MenuName parameter defines the
name of a menu object that represents a submenu and the CommandName parameter
defines the name of a command object from which the href URL is to be
obtained. Note that the links in the Actions tab submenus cannot
be used for display in the content frame. |
The name of a command object that
is assigned to a menu object that represents an application submenu on
the My Desk menu. For example: emxNavigator.jsp?MenuName=TMCMyDesk&CommandName=TMCRoutesMyDesk Where
TMCMyDesk is the name of the menu object for the Team Central submenu
of the My Desk menu and TMCRoutesMyDesk is the name of the command object
for the Routes link. This command object contains an href parameter that
points to the JSP for the Routes page. |
emxNavigator.jsp |
compareBy |
One or more column names from the
table. The value can be a comma-separated list. |
Quantity,Find Number |
emxStructureCompare.jsp |
connectionProgram |
Defines the JPO:method to connect
objects in a given structure hierarchy. You only need to write and specify
a connectionProgram if you need to implement custom logic for connecting
objects. For the structure browser, The JPO:method used for operations
such as resequence, Copy, Paste, and Cut & Paste to make the needed
connection between child and parent objects. This parameter is only used
to implement custom logic |
emxPart:connectEBOMParts emxDocument:connectFolders |
emxIndentedTable.jsp emxStructureCompare.jsp |
ContentPage |
Defines the JSP that should appear
in the Content frame (called the Home page in the user interface) when
the Navigator page is called. |
Any JSP plus parameters: emxNavigator.jsp?ContentPage=../engineeringcentral/emxengchgInboxFrameset.jsp Currently,
the URL assigned to the ContentPage parameter can contain only one parameter/value
pair as part of the URL. Any additional parameters are ignored. |
emxNavigator.jsp |
customize |
Enables (true) or disables (false)
the ability for users to create customized versions of the page. This
parameter overrides the emxFramework.UITable.Customization system property,
and has no effect on other table or structure browser pages. If
not provided, the value specified for emxFramework.UITable.Customization
is used. All access controls defined for the system table are
retained in the customized table. If a column does not have a label
or alt value defined (and is not a file, checkbox, icon, image, or separator),
the column name shows in the user's selection list, however, this name
cannot be internationalized. |
true false |
emxTable.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
default |
For each field in the form-based
view, you can pass default values. The search page uses these values
to load the initial search results, and users can change these values
as needed. |
default=POLICY=policy_ECPart,policy_DevelopmentPart |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
DefaultCategory |
Specifies the category that should
be selected when the tree first opens or is first inserted into another
tree. By default, the root node is selected, which means the object's
Properties page displays. If the tree contains a category that users
frequently want to see, you can use this parameter to have it selected
instead. Alternatively, you can use the Default Category setting
for the tree's menu object. If both are defined, this URL parameter overrides
the setting. Note that a tree does not look for default categories
defined for its sub-trees (assigned sub-menus). |
The name of a category command
object that should be selected when the tree first opens. The command
object must be assigned to the tree menu object and if it is not, the
root node is selected. DefaultCategory=PMCWBS |
emxTree.jsp |
defaultSearch |
The URL parameter can be passed
with the name of the Search command. The JSP page configured for this
command is used for displaying the search page when opening the Search
window. If the logged in user does not have access to the designated
"defaultSearch" command, the first available and accessible search command
will be displayed. If no "defaultSearch" is passed in, then by
default the General TNRV search page will be displayed. |
SPCSCOSearch TMCSearch Default
is the first available command in search toolbar AEFSearchToolbar. The
first available command in the framework install will be the general
search command AEFGeneralSearch. |
emxSearch.jsp or any search JSP page |
direction |
Structure browser: Direction to
be used for expanding the object. When one or more relationship name
is passed in, the object will be expanded for the given relationship(s)
using the specified direction. Generic Create form: If a relationship
is passed, the direction parameter specifies the direction of the relationship
from the perspective of the object being created. If from, the relationship
would be FROM the passed object TO the newly-created object. If to, the
relationship would be FROM the newly-created object TO the passed object. |
Structure Browser: to from both
(default) Generic Create form: From (default) To |
emxIndentedTable.jsp, emxCreate.jsp |
directionFilter |
Used to turn ON or OFF the direction
filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the
direction filter is hidden. The parameter must be passed explicitly as
true to show the filter. |
true false (default) |
emxIndentedTable.js |
disableSorting |
By default all the columns are
sortable, unless a column has a setting 'Sortable = false'. If the user
clicks on the header of the sortable column, then the objects are sorted
based on that column. To prevent users from sorting columns, pass
the parameter 'disableSorting=true' to emxTable.jsp. |
true false (default) |
emxTable.jsp |
draw3D |
Indicates whether the chart is
drawn in 3D or not. |
true--Draws the chart in 3D false--Draws
the chart in normal mode (default) |
emxChart.jsp |
editable |
setting that tells the search component
whether to make the type field editable or not. A value of true will
make the text box editable. A value of false will make it read-only.
If this parameter is not passed into the search component, then the default
will be false. The type field will only be set to true if the browser
language setting is set to "English". If this value is set to true and
the browser language is NOT set to English, then this setting is ignored
and reverts to false. |
true false |
any search JSP page |
editLink |
Use to display the Edit toolbar
item on the table or form page. The Edit link is automatically configured
to call the editable version of the current table or form using emxTableEdit.jsp
or the form edit jsp. Use to have the system include a default
Edit toolbar item in the View Form header. For structure browser:
when true,t he Mode menu and disabled Edit menu (AEFSBEditActions) is
included in the toolbar. |
true false (default) emxForm.jsp?form+ENCPart&editLink=true |
emxTable.jsp emxForm.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
editRelationship |
Defines a comma-separated list
of relationships that can be used in conjunction with the cut and paste
edit commands. The user can only cut or paste rows that are connected
to the parent object using one of the defined relationships. |
relationship_AffectedItems, relationship_EBOM |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
emxSuiteDirectory |
The name of the directory for the
application under ematrix. Not explicitly passed: passed by the
Registered Suite parameter. |
engineeringcentral |
configurable pages, many standard pages, most
custom pages |
enableCache |
When false (the default) the portal tabs refresh their contents whenever the tab is clicked. If this parameter is set to true, then the contents are cached and not refreshed when the user clicks the tab. |
true false (default) |
emxPortal.jsp |
enableSearchButton |
The emxFramework.FullTextSearch.
EnableSearchButton property defines globally whether the Search
button is enabled prior to the user entering criteria. This parameter
overrides that property for the specific page. The default value for
this parameter is the value set for this property in |
true false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
emxExpandFilter |
When the structure browser page opens, the value for this parameter determines how many levels to automatically expand the structure. |
1 3 All |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
excludeOIDprogram |
The JPO program:method that returns
a list of Object IDs (OIDs) that should not display in the result list.
This program:method provides an additional level of filtering. |
JPO program:name emxECR:getAffectediIemsAlreadyConnected |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
ExclusionList |
Use to define the types to exclude
from the top-level list of types that display when the Type Chooser opens.
If neither InclusionList nor ExclusionList are specified, then all types are listed. The chooser displays all types in the top level
of the hierarchy, even when Top Level Only is unchecked. |
a properties file key If
the SuiteKey parameter is passed in, the system looks for the key in
the application-specific properties file (for example,
If the property is not application specific, the system looks in
For example, if contains this property: eServiceEngineeringCentral.Types=type_Part,type_ECR,type_Sketch The
parameter to pass would be ExclusionList=eServiceEngineeringCentral.Types a
comma delimited list of symbolic names for the types to exclude: ExclusionList=type_Part,type_
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
ExclusionList |
Means that the type(s) that is
passed in will not be displayed in the type chooser. All other types
will be displayed and users can select the types they wish to search
for from the type chooser. The ExclusionList can either be a property
value key or a list of types. |
ExclusionList =type_part, type_ECO ExclusionList=
emxFramework. GenericSearch.ExclusionList |
any search JSP page |
expandLevelFilter |
Enable or disable the Expand filter
for the structure browser page. This parameter overrides the expandLevelFilterMenu
URL parameter. |
true (default false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
expandLevelFilterMenu |
Specify the menu used to show the
Expand level filter. |
Administrative menu name AEFFreezePaneExpandLevelFilter
(default) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
expandProgram |
Use to pass the name of the program
to use for expanding the object. This parameter value should be assigned
to the JPO name and the method name separated by a colon. |
<JPO Name:method Name> emxPart:getEBOM emxDocument:getFolders |
emxIndentedTable.jsp emxStructureCompare.jsp |
expandProgramMenu |
Can be assigned to an administrative
menu or a command name, which contains the definitions of the JPO, method
name and label. When command is passed in: Command settings
program and function are used for getting
the JPO name and method name for expanding the objects. The List
Filter will not be shown, as there is only one JPO available to expand. When
Menu is passed in: Commands connected to this menu are used for
listing the options in the List Filter combo box. The label for each
item is obtained from the command's label. The program
and function settings on individual commands are used
as the JPO method for expanding the objects, upon selecting the options
from the List Filter. By default, the first command in the list
is used for expanding the objects. The commands connected to the
menu honor all the access settings supported by the configurable component
(such as Access Mask, Access Expression, and Access Program). |
Administrative menu name Administrative
command name For example: ENCBOMLists (menu) PMCFolderLists(menu) ENCBOMList
(command) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
Export |
Shows or hides the Export tool on the page toolbar. When users click the tool,
the system exports the table data to a file in the user's preferred format
in their preferred format: CSV, HTML, or Text. Users choose their preferred
format using the Preferences tool in the global toolbar. If the
user chooses CSV or Text for their export format, the export does not
include Icon column type and programHTMLOutput columns. To get
the column values exported when the column type is "programHTMLOutput,"
you must also set "Export= true" for the column. |
true (Default)--The Export tool
displays, allowing users to export the table data. false--The tool
does not display. |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
field |
A colon-separated list of indices
and the default/allowed values for the inital search results. See Initial Search Criteria. |
Everything':Policy=policy_P1,policy_P2:LastRevision=true |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
fieldNameActual |
Required for the Type Chooser.
Use to specify the field on the form page to populate the type(s) the
user selects in the Type Chooser. The system populates the specified
field with the actual AEF type names, as stored in the database, so the
field must be a hidden field. When calling the Type Chooser using a RangeHref
on a configurable Form page, the hidden field is created automatically
and has the same name as the RangeHref field. Other pages that
need to get the type name selected by the user, for example to perform
a search, should get the type name from this field instead of the fieldNameDisplay.
The name of a hidden field on the
form page. For example, if the form page contains a field defined as
follows: <input type="hidden"
This parameter should be passed to emxTypeChooser.jsp: fieldNameActual=txtSelectedTy
emxTypeChooser.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
fieldSeparator |
Defines the character to use to
separate fields in the URL string. This parameter overrides the value
set using the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FieldSeparator
property defined in Do not
use any of these values: value of the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.RefinementSeparator
property (these 2 properties must have different values) # ! & %
(any text that begins with the percent symbol, such as %3A, %3D, %2C) [
or ] {or } ? , " |
^sep^ |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
filterColumnPosition |
Optional. Defines where dynamically-generated
columns based on a user's attribute selection will be inserted in the
results table. The value must be non-negative and cannot exceed
the number of columns in the resutls table. Or, you can use last to indicate
that the column(s) should be inserted after the last column. If
no parameter is passed, the columns are inserted after the structure
browser pane divider. |
A positive integer or the reserved
word last (case insensitive) |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
fieldNameDisplay |
Required for the Type Chooser.
Use to specify the text field on the form page to populate the type(s)
the user selected in the Type Chooser and display these types to the
user. When calling the Type Chooser using a RangeHref on a configurable
Form page, the display field is created automatically and has the same
name as the RangeHref field with "Display" appended to it. This
field contains the internationalized version of the selected type list. If
fieldNameActual is used and the actual value and display value are different,
this parameter defines the name of the field where the display value
should be returned. |
The name of a non-hidden field
on the form page. For example, if the form page contains a field defined
as follows: <input type="text"
name="txtType" value=""
This parameter should be passed to emxTypeChooser.jsp: fieldNameDisplay=txtType
emxTypeChooser.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
FilterFramePage |
Specifies the name of the JSP that
will be used in the custom filter frame, which is between the header
and body. You can use the directory macros to refer the location of the
page. The path of the page is relative from the Apps/Framework/VERSION/commonUI
directory. |
${SUITE_DIR}/emxTeamProjectTableFilter.jsp? ${ROOT_DIR}/emxPartECOSatusFiletr.jsp? ${COMMON_DIR}/emxCommonStateFilter.jsp? emxCommonStateFilter.jsp |
emxTable.jsp |
FilterFrameSize |
Controls the size of the filter
frame in pixels. The value should be at least 40, which is the default.
40 (default) 80 160 |
emxTable.jsp |
findMxLink |
When true, show the mxLink icon/command
button on the toolbar, which opens a search dialog box. The icon only
appears on toolbars on a Create or Edit page; if passed to a View page
it does not show on the toolbar. Default is false for toolbar. When
toolbar is for a form, table, or structure browser, default is true. |
true false |
generic search, emx.Form.jsp, emxCreate.jsp, emxTable.jsp,
emxTableEdit.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp |
flatView |
Specifies to show the structure browser in flat mode, with no structure. When used, there is no root object and any duplicate row objects are removed. |
true false |
emxGridTable.jsp |
form |
Specifies the web form administrative
object used for presenting the form page. |
Name of web form administrative
object. emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart emxCreate.jsp?form=SCSBuyerDesk |
emxForm.jsp, emxCreate.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
formHeader |
Use to define the content of the
heading that appears at the top of the form page, in the header frame.
The value can be either a string resource id or the label itself. The
text in the label and string resource ID can contain any valid select
expression. |
emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart&formHeader=Properties emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart&formHeader=Properties:$<type>$<name> emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart&formHeader=emxQuoteCentral.AssignedPackages.AssignedPackages |
emxForm.jsp |
formInclusionList |
Comma-separated list to limit the
list of indexed attributes to display on a form-based search. This parameter
does not affect navigation-based searches. |
Name,Description,Policy,attribute_title |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
formName |
Use to specify the name of the
form that holds the field specified in fieldNameDisplay. If this parameter
is not passed in, the Type Chooser looks for the field name on the first
form of the form page. If the field name is not found in the first form,
then an error message will be presented. |
The name of a form on the form
page. For example, if the form page contains a form defined as follows: <form name="searchPage"
This parameter should be passed to emxTypeChooser.jsp: formName=searchPage
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
frameName |
Use to specify the name of the
frame that contains the form on the form page. Needed for pages that
contain forms in multiple frames. If using form-based search, this
parameter provides the name of the frame that contains the form. |
The name of a frame on the form
page. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
freezePane |
Used to configure which column(s)
should be displayed as the freeze pane column in the structure browser.
If this parameter is not passed in, the first column in the table is
used as Freeze Pane column. A comma-separated list can be provided, and
the columns are displayed in the order listed. If all of the table columns
are passed, the last column listed for this parameter displays in the
scroll pane. |
Column name in the table Name Title Name,Title,Description |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
genericDelete |
When true, shows the Delete action
(AEFGenericDelete command) on the toolbar for the search page. When
false, the Delete action is not included in the toolbar. |
true false (default) |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
header |
The content of the heading that
appears at the top of the table page. Generic Create Form: The
header displayed in the header frame of the form. The value can be a
string resource ID or the label itself. |
Any alphanumeric text or a string
resource ID. header=Buyer Desk header=emxQuoteCentral.AssignedPackages.AssignedPackages |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxChart.jsp emxCreate.jsp |
Header |
The text to use for the header
of the History page. This parameter can either be a string resource ID
or a mixture of macros and text or simply text. |
$<type> $<name> $<revision> emxFrameworkStringResource.Common.HistoryPageHeading Object
History |
emxHistory.jsp |
header |
The content of the heading that
appears at the top of the portal page. |
Any alphanumeric text or a string
resource ID. header=SummaryView header=emxSpecificationCentral.SCOSummaryView.SummaryView Text
string or string resource, such as: Lifecycle emxFramework.Lifecycle.LifeCyclePageHeading |
emxPortal.jsp emxLifecycle.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
headerRepeat |
Specifies how often the header
row should be repeated. A repeating header row makes it easier for users
to identify the content of each column when scrolling through a long
table. If the parameter is not used, the header row repeats every 15
rows (or whatever number is assigned to the key
emxNavigator.UITable.HeaderRepeat). |
Integer For example, 11 would
mean the header row is repeated every 11 rows. To turn off headerRepeat,
pass in 0 as the value for the parameter. |
emxTable.jsp |
HelpMarker |
Specifies the name of the help
marker to call for context-sensitive help. |
String The naming convention
for help markers "emxhelp" followed by the object or feature and then
the action, for example, emxhelproutecreate and emxhelpprojectedit. The
marker is all lowercase with no spaces. |
emxTable.jsp, emxForm.jsp, emxCreate.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp,
emxPortal.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp and most standard pages |
hideHeader |
The header includes the search
text box, and the Search and Reset buttons. To hide these items, set
this parameter to true. |
true false (default) |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
hideRootSelection |
Shows or hides the check box for
the root node when the structure browser is configured for a single root
node and the selection URL parameter is set to multiple
(ignored if selection is set to single or none or the structure browser
includes multiple root nodes). |
true false (default) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
hideToolbar |
Shows or hides the toolbar in the
search results section of the search page. To hide the toolbar, set this
parameter to true. |
true false (default) |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
HistoryMode |
Determines whether the entire revision
chain or just the current revision history should be displayed. For
example, a part may have REV A, Rev B and Rev C. If we are reviewing
REV B and the HistoryMode is set to "CurrentRevision", only the history
for REV B is presented. If HistoryMode is set to "AllRevisions", then
the history for REV A, B, C is presented. |
AllRevisions--The page displays
the entire revision history of the object. CurrentRevision (default)--The
page displays the history for the particular revision that is being reviewed.
emxHistory.jsp |
InclusionList |
Use to define the top-level list
of types to display when the Type Chooser opens. Note that these types
do not have to be top-level types (types with no parents), they will
just be listed in the top level in the chooser. The inclusion
list and the exclusion list cannot both be passed as parameters. If they
are, an error message is displayed. If neither is specified, all top-level
types are listed. |
a properties file key If
the SuiteKey parameter is passed in, the system looks for the key in
the application-specific properties file (for example, emxEngineeringCentral.
properties). If the property is not application specific, the system
looks in For example, if
contains this property: eServiceEngineeringCentral.Types=type_Part,type_ECR,type_Sketch The
parameter to pass would be InclusionList=eServiceEngineeringCentral.Types a
comma delimited list of symbolic names for the types to include: InclusionList=type_Part,type_
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
InclusionList |
Means that the type(s) passed in
will override the list of types defined in the properties file. The type
or list of types will be displayed in the type chooser and users can
select the types they wish to search for. The InclusionList can either
be a property value key or a list of types. |
InclusionList =type_part, type_ECO InclusionList=
emxFramework.GenericSearch.types |
any search JSP page |
inquiry |
Used when there is no program parameter
passed in to emxTable.jsp, emxTableEdit.jsp, or emxIndentedTable.jsp. Specifies the inquiry
administrative object that should be used to retrieve the business objects
to be included in the table and any inquiries for the table page filter
list. emxTable.jsp and emxIndentedTable.jsp use the first inquiry object to display the
list in the table when the page is first loaded. emxTable.jsp uses all inquiry
objects for the table filter list in the header. emxTableEdit.jsp
does not support multiple inquiries. If multiple inquiries are passed
with the ',' separator, only the first one will be used and rest are
ignored. If there is only one inquiry, the filter list in the header
is not displayed. Currently, to build the filter list, you must
use either JPOs or Inquiry objects. You cannot use both. For charts:Assigned
to one inquiry administrative object name. The inquiry will be used to
get the objects used to draw the chart. |
For emxTable.jsp, Names of inquiry
administrative objects separated by commas. Only one inquiry is
allowed for emxTableEdit.jsp. inquiry=SCSBuyerDesk,SCSBuyerDeskAssigned inquiry=ENCAllParts,
ENCReleasedParts |
emxTable.jsp emxChart.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
inquiryLabel |
This parameter is used with the
inquiry parameter. Specifies the labels for each inquiry in the filter
list in the table page header. Each label is associated to the
corresponding inquiry administrative object name specified in the inquiry
parameter. The label may have the actual text or the string resource
id for internationalization. |
One or more labels (equal to the
number of objects specified in the inquiry parameter) for the inquiry
administrative object names separated by a comma. inquiryLabel=All,Assigned inquiryLabel=
emxEngineeringCentral.Common.All, emxEngineeringCentral.Common.Released |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
insertNewRow |
Adds to the toolbar in edit mode.When passed, the page adds these commands to the toolbar:
- Create New
- Create new after
- Create new before
- Remove inserted row(s)
true false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
jsTreeID |
The ID of the existing tree object,
which is required to update the tree with "insert" mode. When the
tree is constructed for the first time, the "jsTreeID" parameter will
not have any valid value. Whenever a category within the tree is
clicked, the system passes the current "jsTreeID" to that page and if
that page needs to update the tree, it must call emxTree.jsp with the
same "jsTreeID" value. |
Active NodeId, for example, root_7
or root_7_0_6 node567590204694.5947 |
emxTree.jsp |
jpoAppServerParamList |
Allows session data to be passed
to a JPO and uses the format: scope:attributeName
where scope can be one of these values: application
and the attribute must be a valid attribute used within
the specified scope. The parameter can pass a comma-separated list of
scope:attributeName values. The attribute values must be serializable. |
emxTable.jsp emxForm.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
labelDirection |
Used for bar charts, stacked bar
charts, and line charts to specify whether to display the x-axis in a
horizontal or vertical direction. |
horizontal - Draws the x-axis label
horizontally (default) vertical - Draws the x-axis label vertically |
emxChart.jsp |
When true, the Highest check box
for the Revision field is selected when the page opens. When false, the
check box is clear. Default value is the value for the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.LASTREVISION
property in Passing this
URL parameter overrides the default value set in |
true false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
When true, the By State check box
for the Revision field is selected when the page opens. When false, the
check box is clear. Default value is the value for the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.LATESTREVISION
property in Passing this
URL parameter overrides the default value set in |
true false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
launched |
When the Launch button is clicked
from a channel tab, launched=true is passed to the new
popup page. It indicates that the popup is a result of clicking the Launch
button. The behavior of the popup page can be changed from the normal
mode pages using this parameter. In normal mode, pages will not
have the launched parameter and will default to launched=false. |
true false (default) |
emxTable.jsp emxForm.jsp |
level |
The number of hierarchical levels
to traverse to fetch object details. The level must be an integer value. |
1 (default) |
emxStructureCompare.jsp |
levelsToDeriveColumnData |
Number of levels to traverse to determine column objects. Use when column objects are based on cell values to identify the number of levels used to build the column list. This parameter is not used when colRelationship is specified. |
Any integer value |
emxGridTable.jsp |
levelsToDeriveRowData |
Number of levels to traverse row data. By default, all levels are expanded. |
Any integer value |
emxGridTable.jsp |
lookupJPO |
The JPO name and method name to
execute the lookup function for a row added to the structure browser
(using +). The JPO is invoked when the user clicks Lookup
Entry. When passed, the page adds these commands to the toolbar:
- Add existing
- Add existing after
- Add existing before
- Remove inserted row(s)
JPOName:methodName |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
mandatorySearchParam |
A comma-separated list that defines
mandatory search criteria. The user will not be able to de-select any
criteria specified. |
Type Originator,Policy |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
massPromoteDemote |
Overrides the system property emxFramework.Lifecycle.MassPromoteDemote.Enable
for the specific page. The default value for this parameter is the value
for the above property. The page must also include the State and Type
columns. |
true false |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
massUpdate |
Use to turn on or off mass update
controls on the editable table page. |
true (default)--Mass update is
available for the page. false--Mass update not is available for
the page. |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
matchBasedOn |
One or more column names from the
table. The value can be a comma-separated list. |
Type,Revision |
emxStructureCompare.jsp |
MenuName |
Defines which application submenu
should be expanded when the Navigator page is called. If you don't specify
a submenu, the first menu in the My Desk menu will be expanded. Can
also be used along with the CommandName parameter to define the page
to appear in the Content frame on login. |
The name of a menu object that
represents an application submenu. For example: emxNavigator.jsp?MenuName=TMCMyDesk |
emxNavigator.jsp |
mode |
Specifies whether the form or structure
browser page should be view or edit mode. |
view (default)--form or structure
browser is read only edit--form or structure browseris editable emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart&mode=edit |
emxForm.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
mode |
Controls whether the tree for the
object is inserted into the current tree or replaces the current tree. |
Insert-Insert the tree
for the selected object into the current tree, if there is one. Replace (default) --Replace
the current tree, if there is one, with the tree for the selected object.
emxTree.jsp |
mode |
Used when calling the Navigator
page from an external link on a Web site, portal page, or email message.
Defines whether the Navigator window contains the banner and global toolbar
as it normally does when using the applications. |
Menu--The Navigator page contains
all standard elements. Tree--The Navigator page contains only
the tree frame and the content frame. For example: emxNavigator.jsp?mode=Menu&ContentPage=../sourcingcentral/emxBuyerDeskTable.jsp |
emxNavigator.jsP |
multiColumnSort |
Enables or disables multiple column
sorting on a page. If disabled, the user can still sort by a single column
if one is specified in the sortColumnName parameter. When set to
false, multiple column sorting is also disabled in any custom tables
users' create based on this system table. |
true (default) false |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
nameField |
Configures the type of name field
on the generic create form. |
autoName keyin (default) both |
emxCreate.jsp |
nameSelectable |
Defines the expression used for the name column to use for searching and filtering. This parameter is required if the name column is not Name AND will be used for the Find and Filter toolbar commands. To highlight matching rows, the Name column must include these settings:
- Style Function: getNameStyle
- Style Program: local:com.matrixone.apps.framework.ui.UITableGrid
emxGridTable.jsp |
objectBased |
Use to configure a table page so
it lists items other than business objects. For example, the items such
as collections and IconMail message are not business objects but can
be listed in a table by passing the URL parameter objectBased=false. When
objectBased is set to false, the parameter objectCompare
is always assumed as false and the object compare icon is not displayed.
Also, when objectBased is set to false, the JPO
that gets the list should follow the same guidelines used for getting
the object list. But the MapList containing the HashMaps with key name
"id" should be assigned to the row identifier value and not the "objectId."
The value assigned to "id" is used as the row identifier for every row
in the table. If the table has a check box column (named emxTableRowId),
the check box value is assigned with the value in "id". |
true (default)--The table page
lists business objects. false--The table page lists items that
are not business objects. |
emxTable.jsp |
objectCompare |
Use to display or hide the object
compare icon. This parameter is assumed as false and the object compare
icon is not displayed if either of the following conditions apply: URL
parameter objectBased is set to false. URL parameter
selection is set to single or none. |
true (default)--The object compare
icon is displayed. false--The object compare icon is not displayed. |
emxTable.jsp |
objectId |
Use to specify the business object
for which the properties need to be displayed. Required parameter
for structure browser. Generic Create form: If an OID is passed,
the object created will be connected to this object using the relationship
specified by the relationship parameter. |
<OID for the root object in
the structure> 2233.5567.2323.4678 For example: emxForm.jsp?objectId=3243.32424.232 |
emxForm.jsp emxCreate.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxStructureCompare.jsp |
objectId |
When used with emxTree.jsp, defines
the business object ID for which the tree will be constructed. For example,
if the object is of type ECR, the tree object of menu type "type_ECR"
will be constructed. If the menu "type_ECR" does not exist, the tree
will be based on the "Default Tree" configuration. When used with
emxNavigator.jsp, defines the business object whose navigation tree should
be displayed when the Navigator window is called. |
Valid business object ID. 2233.5567.2323.4678 emxForm.jsp?objectId=3243.32424.232 |
emxTree.jsp emxNavigator.jsp configurable
pages, many standard pages, most custom pages |
ObserveHidden |
Determines whether to display hidden
types or not. |
true (default)--Hidden types are
not included in the chooser's list of types. false--Hidden types
are included. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
onReset |
The name of a JavaScript function that is invoked when a user clicks the Reset button on an editable Structure Browser page. The function is invoked after resettting all changes on the page, but before refreshing the structure. The function must be included in the file defined in =
VALIDATIONFILENAME (either .js or .jsp)
For example:
eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral.UIFreezePane.ValidationFile =
resetEverything |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
owner |
Assigns a default owner to the
object being created. If no value is passed, the context user is assigned
as the owner. |
Design Engineer Buyer |
emxCreate.jsp |
pageSize |
An integer defining the initial
page size (number of rows) for the search results. The parameter overides
the emxFramework.FullTextSearc.PageSize property. |
50 500 |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
pagination |
Specifies the number of rows to
show per page. If the rows span more than one page, users can use the
Left and Right Arrow buttons or the Page drop-down list to navigate to
other pages. If this parameter is not specified, the system uses
the value set in the pagination property in When
installed, this property is set to 10 rows per page. If 0 is specified,
all objects are listed on one page. |
Any number. Use 0 if you don't
want to paginate. If 0 is specified, the pagination controls do not include
the controls for navigation. |
emxTable.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
parentOID |
Passed to toolbars if there is
a valid objectId passed in to emxTable.jsp (in case of tree calling the
table page). |
Business object ID, for example,
46697.12656.52860.3882 |
configurable pages, many standard pages, most
custom pages |
policy |
The policy to assign to the type
being created. You can use either the original or symbolic policy name,
although symbolic names are recommended. |
policy_Part policy_DifferentPart |
emxCreate.jsp |
portal |
Used when calling the Navigator
page from an external link to ensure the Login page does not replace
the frame that contains the link. |
true--Turns the portal mode on
to ensure the Login page and Navigator page have no effect on the page
that contains the URL link to the Navigator page. false--Turns
the portal mode off. If the parameter isn't specified, the portal mode
is turned off. ./Apps/Framework/VERSION/commonUI/emxNavigator.jsp?portal=true |
emxNavigator.jsp |
portal |
Specifies the menu administrative
object that represents the portal page. |
Name of menu administrative object
defined to represent a portal page. |
emxPortal.jsp |
portalMode |
Every page configured inside the
PowerView includes the parameter portalMode=true, so that the page can differentiate
between normal display and portal display. When the Launch button
is clicked, it launches the currently displayed channel tab into a maximized
popup window, passing the parameters launched=true and
portalMode=false to the new window. |
true false (default) |
emxTable.jsp emxForm.jsp |
portaltable |
Specifies the alternate table that
can be used within a channel tab. Displaying table component listings
in half page-width channels will typically cause the user to scroll horizontally
to the view all columns in the table. For this situation, you can create
an alternate table with fewer columns for display specifically within
a channel tab. For example, if a standard ECO New Parts table contains
10 columns, you could define an alternate ECO New Parts table that contains
just 4 columns. |
Name of alternate table |
emxTable.jsp |
postProcessJPO |
The JPO to use when a user clicks
the Done button on a table or form component. |
<JPOName>:<MethodName> |
emxFormEdit.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
postProcessURL |
The JSP called when a user clicks
the Done button on a table or form page. The configured JSP is called
after the edit processing and database update. Specify the JSP name using
the macro for the page location, or use the relative path as listed in
the examples. |
${SUITE_DIR}/emxCustomPostProcess.jsp or ../<ApplicationDirectory>/emxCustomPostProcess.jsp Example:
../engineeringcentral/emxCustomPostProcess.jsp |
emxTableEdit.jsp emxFormEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
preFilter |
Determines which action types to
display when the History page comes up. If the parameter is not passed,
the page lists all action types. If the Action Type filter control
is shown on the page (determined by the ShowFilterAction parameter),
the preFilter actions are listed in the text box and the filter is applied
to the history list when the page first opens. The user can use the Action
Type filter to change the filter, adding and removing displayed actions
as needed. If the Action type filter control is not shown, the
user cannot change the preFilter actions. By setting preFilter actions
and hiding the Action Type filter, you can hide specific actions that
you do not want users to see. |
The parameter accepts two types
of values: Comma delimited list of action types: preFilter=connect,
disconnect, create String Resource ID: preFilter=emxSystem.preFilter.List To
specify which string resource properties file to look in to get the value,
include the SuiteKey parameter. Possible values for the SuiteKey
parameter are: eServiceSuiteTeamCentral, eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral,
eServiceSuiteProgramCentral, or any other suite name. If the SuiteKey
is not passed in, the History page looks for the key in the
file. For example, in the file, the value for the
emxSystem.preFilter.List might be "connect, create, disconnect". |
emxHistory.jsp |
preProcessJPO |
The JPO to use when a user clicks
Edit on a table or form component. |
<JPOName>:<MethodName> |
emxFormEdit.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
preProcessURL |
The JSP called before displaying
an editable table or form. Specify the JSP name using the macro for the
page location, or use the relative path as listed in the examples. |
${SUITE_DIR}/emxCustomPreProcess.jsp or ../<ApplicationDirectory>/emxCustomPreProcess.jsp Example:../engineeringcentral/emxCustomPrePreocess.jsp |
emxFormEdit.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
PrinterFriendly |
Specifies whether the page should
include the Printer Friendly tool. If this parameter is not included,
the value is assumed to be True and the page displays the Printer Friendly
tool. You can have the system pass this parameter automatically
by entering the PrinterFriendly setting for the command object that calls
the page. |
true (default) false |
emxTable.jsp emxForm.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
program |
Used only when there is no inquiry
parameter passed in to emxTable.jsp or emxTableEdit.jsp. This parameter
is used as an alternative approach to the inquiry object approach. The
program approach uses a JPO program object to fetch
the object list to be displayed in the table. For emxTable.jsp,
the parameter value can have one or more sets of values separated by
a comma ",". For emxTableEdit.jsp, multiple program parameters
are not supported. If multiple programs are passed with the ',' separator,
only the first one will be used and rest are ignored. emxTable.jsp
uses the first set of values (JPO name and method name) to display the
list in the table when the page is first loaded. It uses all the sets
for the table filter list in the header. If there is only one program,
the filter in the header is not displayed. Currently, to build
the filter list, you must use either JPOs or Inquiry objects. You cannot
use both. Charts: Used only when there is no inquiry
parameter passed to emxChart.jsp. This parameter is used as an
alternative approach to the inquiry object approach.
This program approach uses the JPO program object to
get the object list to be displayed in the table. This parameter
is assigned to one set of values that will form a JPO program name and
the method name. The format of the parameter value is: program=<JPO
program name>:<JPO method name> The program name
and the method name are separated by a colon ":". The parameter
value may have one or more sets of values separated by comma ",". The
first set of values (JPO name and method name) are used to get the object
list when loading first. All programs are associated with the table filter
in the header. If there is only one program value, the filter in
the header will not be shown. |
This parameter is assigned to one
(or more in view mode) set of values that will form a JPO program name
and the method name. The format of the parameter value is: program=<JPO
program name>:<JPO method name> The program name and the
method name are separated by a colon ":". program=emxTableBuyerDesk:getBuyerDesk,emxTableBuyerDesk:getAssignedBuyerDesk |
emxTable.jsp emxChart.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
programLabel |
Used with the parameter program
defined above. Specifies the labels for each program in the filter list
in the table page header. The value may contain one or more labels
(equal to number of program values) separated by a comma ",". Each
label is associated to the corresponding JPO object and method name specified
in program parameter. The label may have the actual text or the
string resource id for internationalization. |
programLabel =All,Assigned programLabel
= emxEngineeringCentral.Common.All, emxEngineeringCentral.Common.Released |
emxTable.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp |
queryLimit |
For the specific full-text search
page, overrides the limit defined by the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.QueryLimit
property in for the maximum number of results results
returned from a search |
<integer value> |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
queryType |
Default value is defined by the
emxFramework.FullTextSearch.QueryType property in |
Real Time Indexed |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
RegisteredDirectory |
The directory where the help files
are located. |
Directory name within ematrix. |
emxForm.jsp |
relationship |
Structure Browser: Relationship
names to be used for expanding the root object to display the table structure
view. The same relationships are used while expanding the structure by
clicking on the plus on the nodes. The relationship name passed
in can be the symbolic name or the actual relationship name. Using the
symbolic names is recommended. A property setting can be used to
pass the relationship names. The property must be assigned to one or
more relationships to be used for expansion. When one or more relationships
is passed in, the program uses the list of passed-in relationship(s)
only, to expand the object. If no relationship parameter is passed in,
then it assumes all. <all> (default) - The given object
will be expanded to get all the connected objects, irrespective of what
relationship is used, to be displayed as child/parent objects. Generic
Create Form: The name of the relationship to use to connect the object
being created to the object passed by the objectId parameter. You can
use either the original or symbolic relationship name, although symbolic
names are recommended. |
<relationship name> <list
of comma separated relationship names> <property key assigned to
one or more relationships> For example: relationship_EBOM,
relationship_PartSpecification relationship_Employee all
(default) For Generic Create form, a single relationship can be
passed. |
emxIndentedTable.jsp emxCreate.jsp emxStructureCompare.jsp |
relationshipFilter |
Used to turn ON or OFF the relationship
filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the
relationship filter is hidden. The parameter must be passed explicitly
as true to show the filter. |
true false (default) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
relID |
Use to specify the relationship
used to get the relationship attribute values for relationship fields. |
Valid relationship ID. emxForm.jsp?relId=3243.32424.232 |
emxForm.jsp |
ReloadOpener |
Determines whether to call a reload()
method on the opener/parent page (the form page from which the choose
is launched). Reloading the page updates other fields on the form page
based on the type(s) selected from the Type Chooser. |
true--The reload method is called. false
(default)--The reload method is not called. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
rememberSelection |
Controls whether the system remembers
the items a user selects on one page when the user navigates to another
page in the table. The key emxNavigator.UITable.Pagination.RememberSelection
sets the default for table pages. Use this parameter to override the
default for a single page. |
true--Selected items are remembered
across the table's pages. false--Selected items are not remembered
across pages. |
emxTable.jsp |
renderPDF |
Controls whether the Render PDF
icon is shown in the form toolbar when displaying the form in View mode. If
the parameter is not passed in, the default is false and the icon is
not shown. |
true--The Render PDF icon is shown
in the form toolbar. false--The Render PDF icon is not shown in
the form toolbar. |
emxForm.jsp |
reportType |
The type of report to generate.
complete_summary (default) difference_only Unique_toLeft_Report Unique_toRight_Report Common_Report |
emxStructureCompare.jsp |
resequenceRelationship |
Used when the order of child objects
is significant. Defines a comma-separated list of relationships that
determine if a paste operation is a resequencing. Resequencing means
that the child object was moved from one place in the list of child objects
to another (under the same parent object). |
relationship_AffectedItems, relationship_EBOM |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
rowBusWhereClause |
Defines a where clause to apply during expansion when determining rows. The value can be any valid MQL where clause for the business object. Using this parameter could result in child objects being filtered out if the where clause filters out parent objects. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowDirection |
Defines the relationship direction to expand for the rows in the structure browser table. |
from to |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowExcludeIntermediateRel |
Defines the relationship to exclude from the structure browser when the rowRelationship parameter includes intermediate objects. Only use this parameter if there is an intermediate object for every object in the structure (not a common usage). |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowGrouping |
When true, the is included on the toolbar, allowing the user to group rows by up to 3 columns. See Grouping Rows in Structured Data to see how an end user can use this feature. |
true (default) false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
rowGroupingColumnNames |
When using row grouping, you can provide a comma-separated list of up to 3 column names so that when the page is opened, it automatically groups the page by the values in the specified columns. |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
rowJPO |
Can be used instead of URL parameters to identify table rows and dynamic cell values. The specified JPO must return a MapList of table rows. |
JPO:method |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowRelationship |
Defines the relationships used for expanding the root objects of rows in the structure browser. You can provide a comma-separated (no space) list of relationships. Required if the structure browser expansion is URL driven instead of JPO driven. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowRelWhereClause |
Defines a where clause to apply against relationships during expansion when determining rows. The value can be any valid MQL where clause for the relationship. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
rowType |
Defines the business object types valid for expanded row objects. You can provide a comma-separated (no space) list of types. By default, all types are included. |
emxGridTable.jsp |
searchCollectionEnabled |
When true, includes the Search
in Collection toolbar button for navigation-based searches. This
parameter is not recommended when searching type-specific tables, or
results tables that use expandJPOs or relationships. |
true (default) false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
SelectAbstractTypes |
Determines whether users can select
abstract types. |
true--Abstract types can be selected. false
(default)--Abstract types cannot be selected but they are displayed in
the hierarchical list of types. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
selection |
Controls whether the table page
adds a column of check boxes or radio buttons in the left-most column
of the table. When this parameter is set to single
or none, the parameter objectCompare
is always assumed as false and the object compare icon is not displayed. |
multiple--Users can select more
than one row in the table. A check box is displayed in the left column
of each row. There is no access restriction for the check boxes. If this
parameter is passed, it overrides any check box column added to the table
administrative object. single--Users can select one row in the
table. A radio button is displayed in the left column of each row. none--A
selection column is not added to the table page. (A check box column
can still be displayed by adding the column to the table administrative
object.) |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxFormEditDisplay.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
SelectType |
Determines whether the Type Chooser
has single select radio buttons or multi-select check boxes. singleselect
is the default for the Type Chooser; multiselect is the default for search
pages. |
multiselect--Users can choose multiple
types using check boxes. singleselect--Users can choose only one
type using a radio button. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp any search JSP page |
showApply |
When set to true, shows the Apply
button in Edit mode. When set to false, Edit mode does not have an Apply
button. |
true (default) false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
showClipboard |
This menu is enabled by default
and adds the to the page toolbar. The icon acts as a pull-down menu:
If the user clicks , selected objects are added to the clipboard collection
for that user. If the user clicks the arrow, the user can select the
New/Add to Collections or Add to Clipboard Collection command. Set
the value for this parameter to false to disable this feature. |
true (default) false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp emxTable.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxSearchConsolidatedView.jsp emxForm.jsp |
ShowFilterAction |
Determines whether to display the
action type filter or not. |
true (default)--The action type
filter displays. false--The action type filter does not display. |
emxHistory.jsp |
ShowFilterTextBox |
Determines whether to display the
filter text box or not. |
true (default)--The filter text
box displays. false--The filter text box does not display. |
emxHistory.jsp |
ShowIcons |
Determines whether to display types
icons in the Type Chooser. |
true (default)--Type icons are
displayed. false--Type icons are not displayed. This improves performance. |
emxTypeChooser.jsp |
showInitialResults |
If true, shows an unfiltered result
set when the full-text search (navigation mode) is opened. If false,
the user must select initial criteria and click Search and then a result
set is displayed. This value overrides the system property emxFramework.FullTextSearch.
ShowInitialResults set in |
true false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
showPageHeader |
Enables the page header in the
PowerView page. When set to false, the header( including the toolbar)
does not display in the PowerView page. |
true (default) false |
emxPortal.jsp |
showPageURLIcon |
When true, shows in the toolbar. This tool lets users copy the
URL to the specific ENOVIA application page. When false, does not
show in the toolbar. The default value for this parameter is defined
by the emxFramework.Toolbar.ShowPageURLIcon property
in |
trues false |
emxFormEditDisplay.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp emxForm.jsp emxCreate.js emxTable.jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxPortal.jsp |
showRMB |
Enables or disables the right-click
menus on the page. When set to false, all right-click menus for that
page are disabled. |
true (default) false |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
showSavedQuery |
Includes the AEFSaveQuery command
on the page toolbar. |
true (default) false |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
showTabHeader |
Applies only in Portal mode (when
the page is displayed within a PowerView), enables or disables the page
header. If false, the header text is not displayed in the PowerView
tab. If true, the header text shows in the tab. |
true false (default) |
emxIndentedTable emxTable.jsp .jsp emxTableEdit.jsp emxForm.jsp |
sortColumnName |
Specifies the column by which the
table should be sorted when the page is first loaded. If no column is
specified, the rows are listed in the order they are retrieved from the
database. Can be a comma-separated list of up to 3 column names.
The page sorts by the first provided column, then by the second, then
by the third. Used as the default Sort by settings in the Customize
Table View dialog box. Columns defined with sortType=other setting
cannot be used with multiColumnSort. |
Name of table column. column1,column2,column3 |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
sortDirection |
Defines the sort order for the
columns specified in the sortColumnName parameter. If a single value
is passed, it applies to all columns, or you can pass a comma-separated
list of values matching the number of columns in the sortColumnName parameter. Used
as the default sort directions in the Customize Table View dialog box. |
ascending (default)--Sort a to
z or 0 to n. descending--Sort z to a or n
to 0. ascending,descending,ascending |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
StringResourceFileId |
The name of the String Resource
file for the application. |
emxFrameworkStringResource |
configurable pages, many standard pages, most
custom pages |
Style |
Determines the cascading style
sheet to use for defining the layout and color for headers and footers
on the table page or popup dialog. If the style parameter is not
specified, the list style is used with the default
style sheet. You can use a different style sheet by changing the following
property in emxNavigator.UITable.Style.List = styles/emxUIList.css If
you specify style = dialog, the default
style sheet is used. You can use a different style sheet by changing
the following property in emxNavigator.UITable.Style.Dialog = styles/emxUISearch.css If
you specify style = PrinterFriendly, the default
sheet is used. This is hard-coded into the emxTableReportView.jsp page,
which is called to display the printer-friendly page. |
list (default)--For table pages
displayed in the content frame of emxNavigator.jsp. dialog--For
table pages displayed in popup windows, such as search result pages.
PrinterFriendly--This style is used when displaying a page in
printer-friendly mode directly from a command link, rather than from
the Printer Friendly icon in a list page. |
emxTable.jsp emxFormEditDisplay.jsp |
subHeader |
Only needed when using All Revisions
mode. Determines whether to display Version or Revision for the SubHeader,
which separates the history events for each revision. |
Version--The History page looks
in the file for value of the emxFramework.History.Version
property. Revision--The History page looks in the
file for value of the emxFramework.History.Revision property. |
emxHistory.jsp |
subHeader |
Creates a subHeader below the main
header in the table header frame. |
The value can be any static text
or a string resource id. For example: subHeader= emxEngineeringCentral.Common.BOMLevel subHeader=Bill
of Material Level 1 The value can also include macros such as $<type>
$<revision>. |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxPortal.jsp |
submitAction |
Determines the action to take after
creating the object (in addition to closing the form window): refreshCaller:
Reload the calling page. If called from a table or structure browser,
then reloads the table or structure browser. doNothing: When called
from a table or structure browser, does not refresh (including sorting)
the calling page. treeContent: Load the newly-created object's
tree in the main content frame. treePopup: Load the newly-created
object's tree in a new pop-up window. For emxCreate.jsp, if no
value is passed for this parameter, this alert displays to the user:
The object Type <type name>
Name:<object name>
Rev:<revision> is created
refreshCaller treeContent treePopup |
emxCreate.jsp emxForm.jsp |
SubmitLabel |
Defines the label for the Submit
link. If not passed, the label shows as "Done". You can pass a
static text string or a string resource value (recommended). |
Any static text or string resource
id. SubmitLabel=emxFramework.GlobalSearch.Select=Select |
emxTable.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp, emxFormEditDisplay.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
SubmitURL |
Displays the Submit link in the
table footer frame. The value can be any valid JSP page, which gets run
upon clicking Submit. The label for the Submit link can be configured
using the SubmitLabel parameter. If SubmitLabel is not passed in, the
default label "Submit" is used. |
Any JSP. The path can include any
directory macro. SubmitURL=${SUITE_DIR}/emxBlank.jsp |
emxTable.jsp, emxIndentedTable.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
SubmitURL |
Holds the URL that the result page
should call when the submit button is pressed. |
AnyPage.jsp |
emxFullSearch.jsp any search JSP page |
SuiteKey |
Determines which string resource
property file to look in for the preFilter property key. This parameter
is only used when the preFilter parameter is passed in as a resource
ID. For example, SuiteKey=eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral would be required
for the preFilter parameter whose value is in the EngineeringCentral
properties file, For the Type
Chooser: Determines which application's properties file to look in for
the key specified in the InclusionList or ExclusionList parameter. If
the SuiteKey is not passed in, is used. |
eServiceSuiteTeamCentral, eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral,
eServiceSuiteProgramCentral, or any other suite name. |
emxHistory.jsp emxTypeChooser.jsp configurable
pages, many standard pages, most custom pages |
table |
Specifies the table object to use
for presenting this targeted page or the structured view. The table object
has all the information needed to display the table, including the columns
to present. For the full-text search, the AEFGeneralSearchResults
table is used by default. For a dynamic grid, defines the structure browser table to use. By default, AEFDynamicGrid is used. |
Name of table administrative object.
For example: table=SCSBuyerDesk table=ENCParts table=AEFGeneralSearchResults table=AEFDynamicGrid |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emx.Chart.jsp,
emxFormEditDisplay.jsp, emxStructureCompare.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp |
tableMenu |
Can be assigned to an administrative
menu or command name, which will contain the table name definition and
label. When command is passed in: Command setting table
is used to get the table name for the table definition. The Table
Filter is not shown as there is only one table available to view. When
menu is passed in: Commands connected to this menu are used for
listing the options in the Table Filter combo box. The label for each
item is obtained from the command's label. The setting table
on individual commands is used as the table definition for displaying
the view, upon selecting the options from the Table Filter. By
default, the first command is used for the table definition. The
commands connected to the menu honor all the access settings supported
by the configurable component (such as Access Mask, Access Expression,
and Access Program). |
Administrative menu name Administrative
command name For example: ENCBOMViews (menu) PMCFolderViews(menu) ENCBOMView
(command) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
TipPage |
Specifies whether the page should
include the Tip Page tool the specific html or jsp to call when a user
clicks the tool. If this setting is not included, the Tip tool is not
included on the page. |
Name of a custom html or JSP page,
including any path. The starting point for the directory reference is
the content directory. For example, if you want to call an html file
in ematrix/doc/customcentral and the content directory is ematrix/customcentral,
you would add this parameter to the jsp: TipPage=../doc/customcentral/tippage.html emxForm.jsp?form=ENCPart&TipPage=../myapplication/showMyTipPage.jsp? |
emxForm.jsp emxCreate.jsp emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxPortal.jsp configurable
pages, many standard pages, most custom pages |
toolbar |
Specifies the menu administrative
object that represents the Actions menu, which appears in the page header. Defines
the name of the toolbar menu to be shown on the table page. This can
be passed to either emxTable.jsp or emxTableEdit.jsp. To use the same
toolbar in both a view mode table and an editable, pass the same toolbar
name to each. If the Edit button in the Table component is shown
by passing the parameter editLink = true to emxTable.jsp, then the editToolbar
parameter should be passed to emxTable.jsp. If the Edit button
in the Table component is a custom command where the URL is a custom
URL (for example emxTableEdit.jsp), then the parameter should be appended
to the custom URL (emxTableEdit.jsp). For a form, specifies the
menu administrative object used in the header frame. For a structure
browser, a comma-separated list of UI menu names that add custom filters
to the toolbar. Menus specified here are added as a new toolbar row beneath
the Action toolbar. |
Name of menu administrative object
defined to represent the Actions menu. toolbar=SCSBuyerDesktoolbar toolbar=ECEBOMToolbar,ECEBOMFilter |
emxForm.jsp emxPortal.jsp emxSearch.jsp emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp emxStructureCompare.jsp emxFullSearch.jsp emxGridTable.jsp |
TransactionType |
Controls whether the table query
is run within an Update transaction or Read transaction. Update transaction
can be used whenever the code needs to update the database while fetching
the object list. |
read (default)--The table query
is not run within an Update transaction. update--The table query
(inquiry or JPO) will be run within an Update transaction. |
emxTable.jsp emxIndentedTable.jsp |
treeLabel |
Use to override the default label
for a tree, which is defined in the "Label" parameter of the tree menu
administrative object. When this parameter is available to the emxTree.jsp
page, the page uses this value as the Label for tree menu base node. This
parameter also overrides any JPO specified for the label in the settings
Label Program and Label Function. |
emxTree.jsp?treeLabel=custom Part
Label&objectId=3434.345.4564.7755 |
emxTree.jsp |
treeMenu |
Use to override the standard tree
menu for the object's type (or any alternate tree defined by an application).
The standard tree menu for an object is named using the symbolic name
of the type. For example, the standard tree menu object for quality part
plans is type_QualityPartPlan. Using the custom tree menu by overriding
the system-defined tree for any object type is NOT RECOMMENDED. |
Name of a menu object for a tree: customPartTree |
emxTree.jsp |
triggerValidation |
Controls the Validate command on
the toolbar. If true or empty, the command shows on the toolbar. If set
to false, the trigger validation icon does not display on the toolbar. |
true (default) false |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
txtExcludeOIDs |
Comma-separated list of Object
IDs (OIDs) to exclude from the search results. |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
txtTextSearch |
If a value is passed using this
parameter, that value is used as a search criteria for the initial load
of the search page. The search criteria/results page loads with the results
of this initial search, and the user can continue entering criteria as
needed. |
string |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
type |
Structure Browser: Used to pass
the type name for filtering the expanded structure when the table is
displayed and also when the structure is expanded. The type name
passed in can be the symbolic name or the actual type name. Using the
symbolic name is recommended. A property setting can be used to
pass the type names. The property must be assigned to one or more types
to be used for filtering. When one or more types is passed in,
the program uses the list of passed-in types to filter the object list.
If there is no parameter passed in, then it assumes all. all (default)
- This assumes that all the objects expanded will be displayed and no
filtering happens. This is an optional parameter. Generic
Create Form: A comma-separated list of types that can be created by this
form. The type can be the original or symbolic name of the business object,
although symbolic names are recommended. |
<type name> <list of comma
separated type names> <property key assigned to one or more types> For
example: type_Part,type_ECO type_Folder all (default) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp emxCreate.jsp (required) |
typeChooser |
Specifies whether or not the type
chooser will be used for the Type field. If true, the default type chooser,
emxTypeChooser,jsp, is used. Only the types defined by the type parameter
will be selectable by the type chooser. |
true false (default) |
emxCreate.jsp |
typeFilter |
Used to turn ON or OFF the type
filter shown in the header. By default the parameter is false and the
type filter is hidden. The parameter must be passed explicitly as true
to show the filter. |
true false (default) |
emxIndentedTable.jsp |
useRowSelectionsAsCols |
Indicates that rows selected in an existing table are used as columns on the dynamic table view. In this case, the Actions menu command that calls emxGridTable.jsp requires that rows are selected. If used, the command that calls emxGridTable.jsp must have the Submit=true setting. When used, the cellRelationshipa nd colRelationship parameters are not used to derive the columns, but cellRelationship is still used to intersect with the columns. |
true false |
emxGridTable.jsp |
useRowSelectionsAsRows |
Indicates that rows selected in an existing table are used as root objects on the dynamic table view. In this case, the Actions menu command that calls emxGridTable.jsp requires that rows are selected. |
true false |
emxGridTable.jsp |
useTypeChooser |
setting that tells the search component
whether to display a type chooser or not for the type field. If this
parameter is not passed into the search component, then the default will
be true. |
true false |
any search JSP page |
vault |
The vault where the object being
created will be stored. You can use either the original or symbolic value
name, although symbolic names are recommended. |
Gold vault_Gold |
emxCreate.jsp |
vaultChooser |
Specifies whether or not the vault
chooser will be used for the Vault field. If true, the default type chooser,
emxVaultChooser,jsp, is used. |
true false (default) |
emxCreate.jsp |
viewFormBased |
Overrides the emxFramework.FullTextSearch.FormBased
property defined in True uses the form-based search;
false uses the navigation-based search. If you set this value to true,
you must also pass the formName parameter. |
true false (default) |
emxFullSearch.jsp |
XAxis |
Table column name to be used as
the x-axis for bar charts or stacked bar charts Table column name
to be used as the "slice" label for pie charts Table column name
to be used as the line label for line charts This should be a non-numeric
column except for line charts. |
Count |
emxChart.jsp |
YAxis |
Comma-separated list of numeric
column names to be used as the y-axis for bar charts, stacked bar charts,
or line charts Table column name to be used as the pie data for
pie charts |
totalCount weight |
emxChart.jsp |