Create a menu object to represent the top-level menu.
See Building a Menu.
When naming commands and menus, you can use the underscore (_) and hyphen (-)
characters, but no other special characters.
There are no settings needed for the top-level menu. For naming conventions, see
Naming Conventions.
Create a command object for each link that users should be able to access for the
page, including those that should be within a drop-down menu.
ENOVIA Business Process Services provides generic commands, such as AEFGenericDelete, that can
be used in your toolbars.
For a description of how to fill in parameters and settings for toolbar link command
objects, see Parameters for Toolbar Link Command Objects. For naming conventions, see Naming Conventions.
Create lower-level menu objects for each drop-down menu and assign the lower-level
menu objects to the top-level menu object. For help understanding the structure, see
About Toolbars.
For a description of how to fill in parameters and settings for toolbar menu objects,
see Parameters for Tree Menu Objects. For naming conventions, see Naming Conventions.
For each link that you want to appear on the toolbar, and not in a drop-down menu,
assign the command to the top-level menu object that you created in Step 1.
Remember to assign commands to represent separators as needed. For each separator
that you want in the toolbar, assign the command AEFSeparator, which is
installed by default withENOVIA Business Process Services, in the appropriate order for the top-level
menu. When you add a separator command to the toolbar, it appears as a vertical line.
For each link that you want to appear in a drop-down menu, assign it to the
appropriate menu.
Assign commands to represent separators as needed. For each separator
that you want in the drop-down menu, assign the command AEFSeparator in the appropriate order for the
menu. When you add a separator command to a drop-down menu, it appears as a
horizontal line.
In the URL that calls the table page, form page, or ENOVIA portal page that you want
to include the toolbar on, include the parameter:
Where TOOLBARMENU is the name of the toolbar menu. Below is an example
URL that includes a toolbar on a table page:
Make sure you pass in the parameters as needed for the default links. The Help link
always displays. If you do not pass in any parameters, the Printer Friendly and Export
links display by default and the Tip and Conversion links do not. You can pass in
parameters to have these links display or not display.
Printer Friendly=false/true
Tip Page=false/true
Currency Converter=false/true
If you are working with the Web-based user interface as you are making changes and
want to see your changes in the user interface, click and click the browser's Refresh button.
The cache is refreshed automatically when the component age expires. This setting is
Only persons assigned to the Administration Manager role have access to the Reload
Cache tool.