Defining Automatic Type Ahead for a Person Field/Column

Automatic type ahead can easily be defined for a Person form field or table column without requiring a custom JPO.

Before you begin: The config.xml file must be configured to index Person objects.
  1. In Business Modeler, locate the needed web form or table and open it for editing.

  2. Click the name of the form field or table column that contains a Person. The field/column could be named Owner, Assignee, and so on.

  3. Click Edit next to the list of fields/columns.

  4. Click the Link tab.

  5. In the RangeHref text box, enter PERSON_CHOOSER.

  6. Define a value for the Type Ahead Mapping setting:

    1. Click the Settings tab.
    2. In the Name text box, enter Type Ahead Mapping.
    3. In the Value text box, enter the Name of a field or a series of fields defined in config.xml, such as FIRST_NAME,LAST_NAME,NAME.
    4. Click Set.

  7. If you need to restrict the list of Person's based on the application context, follow these steps (still on the Settings tab):

    1. In the Name text box, enter Additional Query.
    2. In the Value text box, enter the fields and select expressions to use to restrict the suggestion list in this format:

      <FieldName1>=<select expression1>:<FieldName1>=<select expression2>

      where the field names are fields defined in config.xml, and the select expression is a valid expression for the field as defined in Appendix: Selectables.

    3. Click Set.

  8. Click OK to save the field/column changes.

  9. Click Edit to save the wWeb form/table.

  10. If necessary, update the ENOVIA Business Process Services properties that work with Type Ahead:

    1. In a text editor, open for editing.
    2. Edit the values for these properties as needed:

      • emxFramework.FullTextSearch.TypeAhead.Suggestion.Limit
      • emxFramework.TypeAhead
      • emxFramework.TypeAhead.RunProgram.CharacterCount
      • emxFramework.TypeAhead.SavedValues.Limit

    See for Search and Advanced Search for details on editing