Viewing Inactive Parts

This task shows you how to view inactive parts for a logical feature. When you make a part inactive, the part is moved to the Inactive Parts table and is not available for any new product configuration or BOM generation process. The GBOM part table only displays active parts.

Before you begin: Access the GBOM Part Table page for a logical feature. For details, see Viewing a GBOM Part Table.
Related Topics
About GBOMs
Viewing Inactive Variants
Working with Design Variants
  1. Click the Inactive Parts tab.

    The table contains the following columns:

    Name. Name of the part. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name to view the default page for that object, or click in the row to view the default page in a new browser window.

    Revision. The revision number or code.

    Type. The type or subtype.

    State. The current state of the part in its lifecycle.

    Rule Expression. The inclusion rule for the part before the part was made inactive. This column contains highlighted links. Click on the link and the inclusion rule expression viewer opens and is read only.

    Owner. The owner of the part.

    Replaced By. The part that replaced the part for a feature in the Release state. When a part is replaced, it’s moved to the inactive parts table. The Update Released Feature property must enabled to replace parts for features in the Release state. See Configuring the Properties File for more information.

    Authorizing Engineering Change. The engineering change in the Active state that authorized the replacement of the part. When a part is replaced for a feature in the Release state, an active engineering change is required.

  2. Select one or more parts and click Make Active from the page Actions menu or toolbar to make a part active again. The part appears in the GBOM part table with its original inclusion rule.

    If all the design variants for the inclusion rule are active, the rule is a simple inclusion rule. If the inclusion rule has more design conditions than the active design variants, then the rule is a complex inclusion rule. If the Inclusion Rule condition has fewer design conditions than the active design variants, then the rule is a simple inclusion rule with a dash (-) for the additional design variants.