Inserting Smart Link

You can insert a reference to a document using the Smart Link option.

Before you begin:
  1. Verify that Smart Tags option is enabled in your Microsoft Office application. Navigate to Office options from the Office button. Select Advanced. In Show document content, enable Smart Tags.
  2. Navigate to Office options from the Office button. Select Word Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options and enable the Label text with Smart tags checkbox.

    Note: For Microsoft Outlook the path is slightly different than the other Microsoft applications. Select Tools > Options > Spelling and AutoCorrection > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options and enable the Label text with Smart tags checkbox.

Note: Enabling Smart Tags must be done for every Microsoft application.

Note: In the Smart Tags menu there is an option to stop recognizing a link (tag) as a Smart Tag / ENOVIA Smart Tag. If you select this option, due to Office behavior, the link to this specific object no longer functions as a Smart Tag. This functionality also applies to a newer document or via a different user.

Note: The SmartTag menu of ENOVIA is not translated for NLS.

Note: The ENOVIA Smart Tag options is now available in Additional Actions menu in MS Office 2010.

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ENOVIA Toolbar Ribbon
About ENOVIA Collaboration for Microsoft Office
  1. Navigate to ENOVIA > Smart Link from the Microsoft Office ribbon.

    The Insert Smart Link dialog box appears.

  2. Click ENOVIA to view the folders in the server.

  3. Double-click the folders to view the document objects inside the folders and open a document from the document list.

  4. Click Insert.

A Smart Tag is added to the document at the cursor location that includes the object type, object name and the object revision.

You can use the Smart Tag context menu to easily access information stored in ENOVIA related to this object, such as Attributes and Revision/Versions.

Note: In MS Office 2010, you have to select the smart link inserted in a document and right click on it to view the Smart Tag options available in Additional Actions menu.