Viewing Revision and Version Information

You can view revision and version information about each document. Document objects are managed by revision. Files that are attached to these document objects are managed by version.

When a file that is attached to a document object is updated, it is assigned a new version. When a document object is updated it can be updated with attached files or without attached files.

If the document object is updated with multiple attached files, the latest version of each file is attached to the new revision of the document object. This means each file can have a different version.

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About ENOVIA Collaboration for Microsoft Office
  1. When working with Microsoft Office, do one of the following:

    1. Open a document and click Revisions / Versions.
    2. From Search results, right-click on a document and select Revisions / Versions.
    3. From Smart Link, hover over the smart link and select Revisions / Versions from the dropdown list.

    A Revisions/Versions dialog box appears containing the following details for each document in a tree grid.

    • Description: Description of the document.
    • File Name: Name of the file associated with the document.
    • Name: Name of the object as it is stored in the ENOVIA database.
    • Revision: Revisions of the document.
    • State: State of the document object as it exists in the ENOVIA database.
    • Title: Title associated with this document.
    • Format: Format of document
    • Comments: Comments referring to the revisions and versions of the document.
    • FileSize: Size of the file.
    • Version: List of all the file versions for a selected revision.
    • VersionCreatedData:
    • VersionOwner: Owner of the version.

    You can change the order of the columns in the tree.

  2. You can open a specific version. If you open a version that is not latest a message appears alerting you this is not the latest version.