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The ENOVIA Search window appears. You can either select a saved query or perform a new search.
From the ENOVIA Search dialog box complete the following fields in the Save Searches fields (optional). The search criteria can be saved and used again the next time you perform a Search.
- Select a query from the list of previously saved queries.
- Save the current query with a new name.
From the Search dialog box complete the following fields in the Basic Search fields.
- Select a tree of business types from the Document Object Type drop down option to perform a search
If you select a parent business type, all it's child subtypes are also searched.
- Name: Name of the document for which you want to search
- Revision: Revision of the document
- Title: Title of the document you want to search
- Owner: Owner of the document you want to search
- Created Before: Search only for documents that were created before a specified date. Specify the date in the Date Picker dropdown dialog box that appears.
- Created After: Search only for documents that were created after a specified date. Specify the date in the Date Picker dropdown dialog box that appears.
- Vault: Vault in which you want to search for the document. The list of vaults appears in dropdown list.
From the Options field select the value for Limit Results to, which restricts the number of documents that appear in the search results. The default value of this field is 100.
Click Search.
A Search Results dialog box appears containing the results of your search about the documents in the system.
The following information is available about each document:
- Description: Description of document
- State: The current state of the document in the lifecycle.
- Title: Title of the document
- Type: Document Type
- File: File attached to the document
- Name: Name of the document
- Revision: Revision of the document
From Search Results you can do the following:
- Perform PLM operations on each result by right-clicking on a result. A dropdown list appears consisting of the following:
- Open documents to view and update them in Microsoft Office.
- Lock a document so that only you can work on that document while it is locked. You can unlock the document as well.
- Delete means you can delete the last revision of the document. You can delete the document if you delete the only revision.
- Revise Document involves revising a document with files and without files.
- Revise with files: A document can have more than one file attached to it. When you revise a document with files the system saves the document with the last version of each attached file.
- Revise without files: You create a new revision of document without any files attached to it.
- Refresh: Is available only for CAD parts and Non Office objects
- Attributes: You can see the Profile Card attributes.
- Revisions / Versions: History information about a document, such as revision and version information.