Viewing Specifications

You can view the list of all specifications attached to aproduct, feature, requirement or build.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page of the object where you want to view specifications.
Related Topics
Running a Search
Viewing Specification Properties
Editing Specification Properties
  1. From the object's Categories menu, click Specifications.

    The list of specifications for the object opens.

    It contains the following columns:

    (Locked icon). Displays the number of files locked / number of files checked in. Click any highlighted link in this column to go to the Files page.

    Name. Name of the specification. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.

    Title. Displays the title of the specification.

    Revision. Indicates the current revision of the specification. Click any highlighted link in this column to open the Revisions page.

    Version. Displays the current version of the specification. Click any highlighted link in this column to open the Versions page.

    Type. Displays the type of the specification (design specification, requirement specification, etc.).

    Actions. The following icons represent the allowable actions you can perform on the listed content:

    Icon Name Action
    Subscription To view and select subscriptions for a specification.
    Download To download one or more files to your local machine. Browse to the directory or folder you want to contain the file. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.
    Checkout and Lock To check out one or more files to your local machine and lock the files from other users who cannot unlock it. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.
    Update Files To update a file to its next version.
    Checkin To check in and unlock one or more files.

    Description. Overview of the specification's content.

    State. The current state of the specification in its lifecycle.

  2. Click any of the following from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with specifications.

    • Create New Document. See Creating a New Document.
    • Add Existing. You can add an existing specification to the list. The Search page opens.
    • Download. You can download one or more files to your local machine. Browse to the directory or folder you want to contain the file. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.
    • Checkout. You can check out one or more files to your local machine and lock the files from other users who cannot unlock it. Navigate to the folder or directory you want to contain the file.
    • Remove. Removes the relationship between all checked specifications and the parent object. It does not delete the reference documents from the database.
    • Delete. Removes all checked specifications from the list and deletes them from the database.

    Note: You can only delete a specification if you have delete access and the specification has no other related objects.