Generating a Labor Report by Project

You can generate a labor report for selected projects. The report shows the hours of effort per project phase, person, and task.

This task shows you how to:

Selecting the Period for the Report

Before you begin: The selected project must have users who are creating timesheets for the project. See Creating a Timesheet.
  1. From the Projects page, select one or more projects and then click Actions > Labor Report.


    From the Dashboards page, select a dashboard and then click Actions > Labor Report.

    The Labor Report Options page is displayed.

  2. Select the Report Year By. Values are Fiscal Year or Calendar Year. The fiscal year is defined by an Administrator in a property value.

  3. Type the 4-digit Reporting Year for which the report will be run.

  4. Specify the Default Timeline Interval, which determines the default timeline in the report's layout.

  5. Click Done. See Viewing the Labor Report by Project.

Viewing the Labor Report by Project

  1. View the selected project hours on the Labor Report (in Hours) page.

    The report has the following columns.

    Name. The name of the Project, Phase, Person, or Task object. A Project can be expanded to Phase, Person, and Task. You can click the name to view its details.

    Type. The type of object. Values are Project, Phase, Person, or Task.

    Months/Week. The time entry against the corresponding project, phase, person, or task in a month. Months are given according to the calendar or fiscal year, as selected when generating the report. Only approved hours are shown; a value of zero is shown as a blank entry. The first column heading and every Jan heading includes the year in its name.

    Total. The sum of the time entries for the corresponding project, phase, person, or task.

  2. At the top of the report, you can change filters for viewing the report:

    Fiscal Year. The year for the report.

    View. Filters the report to show Monthly or Weekly data. For "Monthly", the columns in the report are generated for each month and the data is consolidated per month. For "Weekly", the columns in report are generated for each week and the data is consolidated per month. Each column heading will show the week number, for example, Wk 13. In cases where the week overlaps across years, the heading will be Wk 01.

    Report by. Filters the report by grouping the data either by Phase or Membership. "Phase" groups the data by Projects > Phases > Members > Tasks. "Membership" groups the data by Projects > Members > Phases > Tasks.