Indicating Progress in Completing a WBS Task

Any task assignee can use the following steps to update the % Complete and enter an actual finish date, including people assigned as owners, assignees, and reviewers. The project owner and Project Leads can also update this information but must do so using the Edit WBS page. See Editing the WBS.

Before you begin: View your WBS tasks. See Listing WBS Tasks Assigned to You.
  1. From the WBS Tasks page, click Edit from the Actions menu or page toolbar.

    Critical tasks (those which cannot be delayed without affecting the project finish date) are identified in red. Completed tasks have an Actual Finish Date listed.

  2. To change the % Complete for a task, choose a percentage from the list. It's best to only enter % Complete values for the lowest level subtasks only. The % Complete for a parent task is calculated based on the % Complete for its subtasks. This table summarizes the results of making % Complete changes.

    If you change from this %:

    To this %:

    The system:*


    any percentage less than 100

    promotes the task to Active

    If the tasks parent task or project is not yet in the Active state, the system promotes it to Active.

    any percentage between 0 and 100

    any percentage between 0 and 100

    makes no change to the task's state

    any percentage


    promotes the task to Review


    any percentage less than 100

    demotes the task to Active

    *All changes to % Complete roll up to the parent task and then to the project % Complete.

    For more information about rules associated with % Complete changes and changes to task states, see Rules for WBS Task Fields.

  3. To enter or edit an Actual Finish Date, click to the right of the field and choose the date from the calendar. For help using the calendar, see Entering Dates Using the Calendar.

    The system promotes the task to Complete and changes the % Complete to 100.

  4. To remove an Actual Finish Date for a task (for example, if it was entered in error or more work needs to be done), change the % Complete for the task to reflect the amount of work that needs to be performed. The system removes the Actual Finish Date and demotes the task to Active.

  5. To update multiple values in a column at once:

    1. Select a column name, % Complete or Act Finish, from the Column drop-down list in the page toolbar.
    2. Select a new value:

      1. For the % value, select a value from the drop-down list.
      2. For the date, select a date using the calendar tool.

    3. Apply your change:

      1. Apply to Selected. Applies the value to one or more selected cells.
      2. Apply to All. Applies the value to all cells.

  6. Click Done.