Remove from Module

This topic describes the Remove from Module dialog box, which appears when you select Remove from Module. It is used to remove module members from a module.

Remove recursively Keep objects in workspace Force removal of modified objects Filter Module Context optionThis topic discusses the Module context option available for some of the DesignSync commands. Command InvocationThis topic discusses the Command invocation option available for some of the DesignSync commands. Command ButtonsThese buttons appear on many of the dialogs boxes. Not all buttons appear on all dialog boxes.


Remove recursively
When checked, the selected folder is removed as well as all module objects in the folder and all subfolders. When not checked, the selected folder is removed only if the folder is empty.

The default for this option is unchecked. This option is available only for folders.

Keep objects in workspace
When checked, the local copies of the removed objects are left in the workspace as unmanaged objects. When unchecked, the local copies of the selected objects are removed from the workspace.

By default, The default for this option is unchecked.

Force removal of modified objects
When checked, the selected object is removed even if the object in the workspace is not the same as the last checked in version of the object or is locked. If you are removing objects that were added to a module, but never checked in, use this option to remove the objects.

When unchecked, the selected object is not removed if it is locked, not identical to the last checked in version, or added to the module but never checked in.

The default for this option is unchecked.

Allows you to include or exclude module objects by entering one or more extended glob-style expressions to identify an exact subset of module objects on which to perform the remove. For more information, see Filter option.

The default for this option is blank.

Module context
Appears only when a folder object is included in the selection. For more information on the module context field, see Module Context option.

The default for this option is blank.


These sections appear on most dialog boxes

Command invocation
See Command Invocation.
Command buttons
See Command Buttons.