About Markups

Some pages in applications such as Engineering Central allow you to mark up the data in a structure browser before applying it or saving it. The page color codes the markups to indicate the changes you plan to make. Engineering Configuration CentralYou need to be in edit mode to make changes.

Related Topics
About Tabular Pages
Editing a Structured Data Page

This screen shows a structured page that has been marked up.

In a marked up structure browser, these conventions are used:

  • and red strikethrough text. Row is marked to be removed (removed from the parent object, not deleted from the database).
  • and green text. Row is marked to be added.
  • . One or more cells in the row have edits.
  • Red strikethrough text in cell. Cell data edited, new value shows in black text
  • Blue rows. The row is selected.Yellow column header. A cell in that column is being edited.

When marking up data, you can either apply the edits (make the changes effective immediately), or save it as a markup and retrieve the edits later. Click on the page toolbar for details on how markups work on that page.